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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, H, R, U and V

AVOUCHERSavouchers n. Plural of avoucher.
AVOUCHER n. one who avouches.
BEHAVIOURbehaviour n. Britain standard spelling of behavior.
BEHAVIOUR n. conduct, also BEHAVIOR.
CHEVELUREchevelure n. The nebulous part of a comet or star.
chevelure n. A head of hair.
chevelure n. A periwig.
ECHOVIRUSechovirus n. A type of RNA virus of the species Enterovirus B of the Picornaviridae family, found in the human gastrointestinal…
ECHOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses that cause respiratory or intestinal diseases.
OVERFLUSHoverflush v. To flush to excess.
OVERFLUSH adj. too flush.
OVERFLUSH n. superfluity.
OVERHAULSoverhauls n. Plural of overhaul.
overhauls n. (Colloquial, US) An overall.
overhauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overhaul.
OVERHUNTSoverhunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overhunt.
OVERHUNT v. to deplete game in an area.
PUSHOVERSpushovers n. Plural of pushover.
PUSHOVER n. an easily defeated person or team.
QUIVERISHquiverish adj. Quivery.
QUIVERISH adj. shaky, quivering.
SUPERHIVEsuperhive n. (Beekeeping) An empty box placed above the existing boxes of the beehive in order to allow the colony…
superhive v. (Beekeeping) To add or to place a superhive atop the existing boxes of the beehive.
SUPERHIVE n. a removable upper part of a beehive.
UNSHRIVEDunshrived adj. Not shrived.
UNSHRIVED adj. not shriven, also UNSHRIVEN.
UNSHRIVENunshriven adj. Not shriven.
UNSHRIVEN adj. not shriven, also UNSHRIVED.
UPHEAVERSupheavers n. Plural of upheaver.
UPHEAVER n. one who upheaves.
VEHICULARvehicular adj. Of or pertaining to a vehicle or vehicles, usually specifically cars and trucks.
vehicular adj. Of or pertaining to a language that is used as a contact language between two groups who do not share…
VEHICULAR adj. of or pertaining to a vehicle.
VERMOUTHSvermouths n. Plural of vermouth.
VERMOUTH n. (French) a drink with a white wine base, flavoured with wormwood and other herbs, also VERMUTH.
VOUCHEREDvouchered v. Simple past tense and past participle of voucher.
VOUCHER v. to establish the authenticity of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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