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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, H, N, O and X

CHOENIXESchoenixes n. Plural of choenix.
chœnixes n. Plural of chœnix.
CHOENIX n. (Greek) an ancient Greek measurement.
CHRONAXIEchronaxie n. The minimum time over which an electric current must be applied in order to stimulate a muscle fiber or nerve cell.
CHRONAXIE n. a time constant in the excitation of a nerve or muscle, also CHRONAXY.
EXHORTINGexhorting v. Present participle of exhort.
exhorting n. Exhortation.
EXHORT v. to admonish earnestly.
FOXHUNTEDfoxhunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of foxhunt.
FOXHUNT v. to hunt foxes with hounds.
FOXHUNTERfoxhunter n. One who hunts foxes.
FOXHUNTER n. one who hunts foxes.
HEMOTOXINhemotoxin n. (Chiefly cytology) Any toxin that destroys red blood cells.
HEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells.
HEXAGONALhexagonal adj. (Geometry) Having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon.
hexagonal adj. (Crystallography) Having three equal axes which cross at 60° angles, and an unequal axis which crosses…
HEXAGONAL adj. having six sides and six angles.
HEXATHLONhexathlon n. (Athletics) An athletic contest comprising six events.
HEXATHLON n. an athletic contest comprising six events.
PHENOXIDEphenoxide n. (Chemistry) any metallic salt of a phenol.
PHENOXIDE n. a salt of a phenol, esp. in its capacity as a weak acid.
PHOENIXESphoenixes n. Plural of phoenix.
phoenixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phoenix.
phœnixes n. Plural of phœnix.
SAXOPHONEsaxophone n. A single-reed instrument musical instrument of the woodwind family, usually made of brass and with a…
SAXOPHONE n. a jazz and dance band instrument with a reed, an S-shaped (properly metal) tube, and about twenty finger-keys.
TEXTPHONEtextphone n. (Britain) A telephone with a simple keyboard and a small screen, used by the deaf.
TEXTPHONE n. a phone that can transmit text messages.
THYROXINEthyroxine n. (Biochemistry) A hormone (an iodine derivative of tyrosine), produced by the thyroid gland, that regulates…
THYROXINE n. an iodine compound, a hormone forming the active principle of the thyroid gland, also THYROXIN.
TOXAPHENEtoxaphene n. An acaricide and insecticide that is a mixture of chlorinated camphenes, now considered a persistent…
TOXAPHENE n. chlorinated camphene used as an insecticide.
XANTHONESxanthones n. Plural of xanthone.
XANTHONE n. a ketone analogue of xanthene which forms the basis of various natural pigments.
XENOLITHSxenoliths n. Plural of xenolith.
XENOLITH n. (Greek) a rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs.
XENOPHILExenophile n. A person who has a love of foreign people and culture.
xenophile n. A person with an interest in celebrating people’s differences. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
XENOPHILE n. one who loves foreigners.
XENOPHOBExenophobe n. One who hates or fears strangers or foreigners.
XENOPHOBE n. one who hates foreigners.
XENOPHOBYxenophoby n. Dated form of xenophobia.
XENOPHOBY n. fear of foreigners, also XENOPHOBIA.
XYLOPHONExylophone n. (Music) Any musical instrument (percussion idiophone) made of wooden slats graduated so as to make the…
xylophone v. To play a xylophone or to play something else as though it was a xylophone.
xylophone v. To move above a ridged surface so as to hit every ridge, in a manner similar to playing quickly and…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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