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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, H, M, T and Z

CHAMETZESCHAMETZ n. (Hebrew) leavened food forbidden during Passover, also CHOMETZ.
CHOMETZESCHOMETZ n. (Hebrew) leavened food forbidden during Passover, also CHAMETZ.
EMPATHIZEempathize v. (Intransitive) to feel empathy for another person.
EMPATHIZE v. to enter imaginatively into another's personality and experience his experiences, also EMPATHISE.
HEMATOZOAhematozoa n. Plural of hematozoon.
HEMATOZOON n. a protozoan that is parasitic in the blood, also HAEMATOZOON.
MECHITZASmechitzas n. Plural of mechitza.
MECHITZA n. (Hebrew) a screen in a synagogue separating men and women.
MECHITZOTmechitzot n. Plural of mechitza.
mechitzot n. Plural of mechitzah.
MECHITZA n. (Hebrew) a screen in a synagogue separating men and women.
MEGAHERTZmegahertz n. A unit equal to one million cycles per second.
MEGAHERTZ n. a measure of frequency, a million hertz.
METHODIZEmethodize v. (Transitive) To make orderly or methodical; to arrange in a systematic manner.
methodize v. (Obsolete, transitive) To convert or adapt to Methodism.
methodize v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To talk Methodistically.
MYTHICIZEmythicize v. (Transitive) To make into a myth.
mythicize v. (Transitive) To interpret in terms of mythology.
MYTHICIZE v. to make mythical, also MYTHICISE.
RHEUMATIZrheumatiz n. (Dialect) rheumatism.
RHYTHMIZErhythmize v. (Transitive) To put into a rhythm; to make rhythmic.
rhythmize v. (Intransitive) To follow a rhythm.
RHYTHMIZE v. to subject to rhythm, also RHYTHMISE.
SCHMUTZESSCHMUTZ n. dirt, grime.
SHMALTZESSHMALTZ n. (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality, also SCHMALTZ, SCHMALZ.
THEMATIZEthematize v. Alternative spelling of thematise.
THEMATIZE v. to place (a word or phrase) at the start of a sentence in order to focus attention on it, also THEMATISE.
ZOOTHEISMzootheism n. Animal worship; zoolatry.
ZOOTHEISM n. the attribution of divine qualities to animals.
ZOOTHOMESzoothomes n. Plural of zoothome.
zoöthomes n. Plural of zoöthome.
ZOOTHOME n. a group of zooids, such as a mass of coral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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