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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, H, L, O and Z

HAEMOLYZEhaemolyze v. Alternative form of hemolyze.
HAEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HEMOLYSE, HEMOLYZE.
HALAZONEShalazones n. Plural of halazone.
HALAZONE n. a disinfectant for drinking water.
HAZELWOODhazelwood n. The wood of the hazel.
Hazelwood prop.n. A surname.
Hazelwood prop.n. A village in Derbyshire, England.
HELIOZOANheliozoan n. Any of a group of aquatic protozoans, of the order Heliozoa, that have spherical bodies from which radiate…
HELIOZOAN adj. related to the Heliozoa, sun-animalcules, an order of Protozoa, also HELIOZOIC.
HELIOZOAN n. a member of the Heliozoa.
HELIOZOICHELIOZOIC adj. relating to the Heliozoa, sun-animalcules, an order of Protozoa, also HELIOZOAN.
HEMOLYZEDhemolyzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hemolyze.
hemolyzed adj. Disrupted by hemolysis.
HEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HAEMOLYZE, HEMOLYSE.
HEMOLYZEShemolyzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hemolyze.
HEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HAEMOLYZE, HEMOLYSE.
HYDROLYZEhydrolyze v. (Chemistry, transitive) To subject to hydrolysis.
hydrolyze v. (Chemistry, intransitive) To undergo hydrolysis.
HYDROLYZE v. to subject to hydrolysis, also HYDROLYSE.
KILOHERTZkilohertz n. A unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second; one thousand hertz.
KILOHERTZ n. a unit of frequency, 1000 hertz.
KOLKHOZESkolkhozes n. Plural of kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKOZ.
MOLOCHIZEMolochize v. (Intransitive, transitive) To offer as a sacrifice.
MOLOCHIZE v. to sacrifice (as to Moloch), also MOLOCHISE.
PHOTOLYZEphotolyze v. Alternative spelling of photolyse.
PHOTOLYZE v. to cause photolysis in, also PHOTOLYSE.
SCHNOZZLEschnozzle n. (Slang) The human nose, especially one that is large.
SCHNOZZLE n. (Yiddish) nose, also SCHNOZ, SCHNOZZ.
SHEMOZZLEshemozzle n. (Slang) A state of chaos or confusion.
shemozzle n. (Slang) A quarrel or rumpus.
shemozzle v. (Slang) To scarper; to run away; to flee.
SHIMOZZLEshimozzle n. Alternative form of schmozzle.
SHIMOZZLE n. (Yiddish) a mess, a scrape, also SCHEMOZZLE, SHEMOZZLE, SHLEMOZZLE.
THIAZOLESthiazoles n. Plural of thiazole.
THIAZOLE n. a heterocyclic compound that contains both sulfur and nitrogen, also THIAZOL.
ZOOPHILESzoophiles n. Plural of zoophile.
ZOOPHILE n. a lover of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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