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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, 2H and 2L

CHOLELITHcholelith n. Synonym of gallstone.
CHOLELITH n. a gallstone.
HALOPHILEhalophile n. (Biology) An organism that lives and thrives in an environment of high salinity, often requiring such…
HALOPHILE n. a plant that is adapted to survive in salty soil.
HARDSHELLhardshell adj. Having a tough outer shell.
hardshell adj. (Figuratively) Rigid or uncompromising in principles, especially in religion or politics.
hard-shell adj. Alternative form of hardshell.
HEALTHFULhealthful adj. Beneficial to bodily health.
healthful adj. Conducive to moral or spiritual prosperity; salutary.
healthful adj. (Archaic) Synonym of healthy (“evincing health”).
HEALTHILYhealthily adv. In a healthy manner.
HEALTHY adv. wholesome.
HELLBROTHhellbroth n. A brew used in black magic.
HELLBROTH n. a composition for infernal purposes; a magical preparation.
HELLHOLEShellholes n. Plural of hellhole.
Hellholes n. Plural of Hellhole.
hell-holes n. Plural of hell-hole.
HELLHOUNDhellhound n. (Mythology) A demonic dog of hell, typically of unnatural size, strength or speed, with black fur, glowing…
hell-hound n. Alternative spelling of hellhound.
hell␣hound n. Alternative spelling of hellhound.
HELLISHLYhellishly adv. In a hellish manner.
HELLISH adv. horrible.
SCHLEMIHLschlemihl n. Alternative form of schlemiel.
SCHLEMIHL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky or incompetent person who is often duped, also SCHLEMIEL, SHLEMIEHL, SHLEMIEL.
SHELLFISHshellfish n. A fisheries and colloquial term for an aquatic invertebrate having an inner or outer shell, such as…
shellfish n. A culinary and nutritional term for several groups of non-piscine, non-tetrapod, aquatic animals that…
SHELLFISH n. a shelled aquatic invertebrate, esp. a mollusc or crustacean, or such animals collectively.
SHILLELAHshillelah n. Alternative form of shillelagh.
SHLEMIEHLshlemiehl n. Alternative form of schlemiel.
SHLEMIEHL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky or incompetent person who is often duped, also SCHLEMIEL, SCHLEMIHL, SHLEMIEL.
TEPHILLAHtephillah n. Alternative form of tefilla.
TEPHILLAH n. (Hebrew) a phylactery worn by Jews, also TEFILLAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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