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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, M, U and Y

AMYGDULESamygdules n. Plural of amygdule.
AMYGDULE n. a small gas bubble in lava, also AMYGDALE.
EMBUSYINGembusying v. Present participle of embusy.
EMBUSY v. (Spenser) to employ.
ERYNGIUMSeryngiums n. Plural of eryngium.
ERYNGIUM n. (Greek) a plant of the genus Eryngium, sea holly, reputed to be an aphrodisiac, also ERINGO, ERYNGO.
GYNAECEUMgynaeceum n. (Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome) The women’s quarters in a household; (hence, loosely) any building or area for women.
gynaeceum n. (Obsolete) An establishment in Rome where female workers made clothing and furniture for royalty.
gynaeceum n. (Botany) A gynoecium.
GYNAECIUMgynaecium n. Alternative form of gynaeceum.
gynæcium n. Obsolete typography of gynaecium.
GYNAECIUM n. the pistil of a flower, also GYNECIUM, GYNAECEUM.
GYNOECIUMgynoecium n. (Botany) The pistils of a flower considered as a group.
GYNOECIUM n. the pistil of a flower, also GYNAECEUM, GYNAECIUM, GYNECIUM.
HUMEFYINGhumefying v. Present participle of humefy.
HUMEFY v. (obsolete) to moisten, also HUMIFY.
HYPOGAEUMhypogaeum n. Alternative form of hypogeum.
HYPOGAEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGEUM.
JUNGLEGYMjungle␣gym n. (US) A play structure designed for children to climb on, traditionally constructed as a frame of metal…
JUNGLEGYM n. (tradename) a climbing frame for children.
MAMAGUYEDmamaguyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mamaguy.
MAMAGUY v. (Caribbean) to deceive or tease esp. by flattery.
MEALYBUGSmealybugs n. Plural of mealybug.
mealy␣bugs n. Plural of mealy bug.
MEALYBUG n. a destructive insect.
MUSEOLOGYmuseology n. The design, organization, and management of museums.
MUSEOLOGY n. the study of museums.
PTERYGIUMpterygium n. (Pathology) An abnormal mass of tissue in the corner of the eye that obstructs vision.
pterygium n. (Zoology) A generalized limb of a vertebrate.
PTERYGIUM n. a growth over the cornea.
SMUDGEDLYSMUDGED adv. SMUDGE, to smear or dirty.
TIMENOGUYtimenoguy n. (Nautical) A rope used on a ship to prevent other lines and riggings tangling with each other.
TIMENOGUY n. a rope stretched from place to place on a ship; a makeshift.
TUMEFYINGtumefying v. Present participle of tumefy.
TUMEFY v. to swell.
ZYMURGIESzymurgies n. Plural of zymurgy.
ZYMURGY n. (Greek) the branch of applied chemistry dealing with fermentation processes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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