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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, J, T and U

ADJUTAGESadjutages n. Plural of adjutage.
ADJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also AJUTAGE.
CONJUGATEconjugate v. (Grammar, transitive) To inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses; to list…
conjugate v. (Mathematics) To multiply on the left by one element and on the right by its inverse.
conjugate v. (Rare) To join together, to unite; to juxtapose.
JELUTONGSjelutongs n. Plural of jelutong.
JELUTONG n. (Malay) a naturally occurring rubberlike substance, aka pontianak.
JITTERBUGjitterbug n. (Colloquial) A nervous or jittery person.
jitterbug n. (Jazz) A jazz musician or aficionado.
jitterbug n. (Dance) An uptempo jazz or swing dance which embellishes on the two-step pattern and frequently incorporates…
JUDGEMENTjudgement n. (Chiefly Commonwealth) Alternative spelling of judgment.
JUDGEMENT n. an act of judging, also JUDGMENT.
JUDGMENTSjudgments n. Plural of judgment.
JUDGMENT n. an opinion formed.
JUGULATEDjugulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of jugulate.
JUGULATE v. to cut the throat of.
JUGULATESjugulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jugulate.
JUGULATE v. to cut the throat of.
JUNEATINGjuneating n. Alternative form of geniting.
JUNEATING n. an erroneous form of jenneting, an early type of apple, also JENNETING.
JUNGLIESTjungliest adj. Superlative form of jungly: most jungly.
JUNGLY adj. of or relating to jungles.
JUNKETINGjunketing v. Present participle of junket.
junketing n. A celebratory feast or banquet.
JUNKETING n. going on a pleasure trip.
OBJURGATEobjurgate v. (Transitive) To rebuke or scold strongly.
OBJURGATE v. to scold or rebuke sharply, to berate.
OUTJUGGLEoutjuggle v. (Transitive) To surpass in juggling.
OUTJUGGLE v. to surpass at juggling.
SUBJUGATEsubjugate v. (Transitive) To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon.
subjugate adj. In a subjugated position.
SUBJUGATE v. to bring under the yoke; to make subservient.
TRIJUGATEtrijugate adj. (Botany) In three pairs.
TRIJUGATE adj. in three pairs, also TRIJUGOUS.
UNIJUGATEunijugate adj. (Botany, of a pinnate leaf) Having only one pair of leaflets.
UNIJUGATE adj. of a compound leaf, having only pair of leaflets.
UPJETTINGupjetting v. Present participle of upjet.
UPJET v. to spout up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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