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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, G, I, K and P

GRAPELIKEgrapelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a grape.
GRAPELIKE adj. like a grape.
KIPPERINGkippering v. Present participle of kipper.
kippering n. The trait of walking on the front legs while dragging the hind legs (applied to a dog).
kippering n. The development of an acquired hypospadias, usually as a result of long use of a catheter.
PACKETINGpacketing v. Present participle of packet.
PACKET v. to make into a small package.
PERTAKINGpertaking v. Present participle of pertake.
PERTAKE v. (Shakespeare) to participate, also PARTAKE.
PHREAKINGphreaking n. The cracking or exploring of a telephone system, e.g. trying to get free calls or to discover special…
phreaking v. Present participle of phreak.
PHREAKING n. making illegal phone-calls.
PICKETINGpicketing v. Present participle of picket.
picketing n. The act of one who pickets (in any sense).
PICKETING n. standing outside some location, as a business, to publicize one's grievances against it.
PINKENINGpinkening v. Present participle of pinken.
PINKEN v. to become pink.
POCKETINGpocketing v. Present participle of pocket.
pocketing n. The act of something being illicitly taken or purloined.
pocketing n. Material used for making pockets for clothing.
PREBAKINGprebaking adj. Alternative spelling of pre-baking.
prebaking n. Blind-baking (baking a pastry before adding a filling).
prebaking n. (Electronics, physics) surface modification by heating prior to another operation.
PREMAKINGpremaking v. Present participle of premake.
PREMAKE v. to make in advance.
PUCKERINGpuckering n. A fold or pinched bunch of fabric caused by the shrinkage of one layer among many.
puckering v. Present participle of pucker.
Puckering prop.n. A surname.
RAGPICKERragpicker n. A person who collects and sells unwanted household items such as rags and other refuse for a living…
RAGPICKER n. one who gets a living by picking up rags and refuse things in the streets.
REPACKINGrepacking v. Present participle of repack.
repacking n. The process of packing something again or anew.
REPACK v. to pack again.
REPARKINGreparking v. Present participle of repark.
REPARK v. to park again.
REPERKINGreperking v. Present participle of reperk.
REPERK v. to brew again.
SKELPINGSskelpings n. Plural of skelping.
SKELPING n. a slapping.
SPEAKINGSspeakings n. Plural of speaking.
SPEAKING n. a speech or discourse.
SPECKLINGspeckling v. Present participle of speckle.
speckling n. A pattern of small spots.
speckling n. Ticking (the fabric).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 106 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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