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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, G, I, J and T

ABJECTINGabjecting v. Present participle of abject.
ABJECT v. to throw out, cast away.
DEJECTINGdejecting v. (Rare) present participle of deject.
DEJECT v. to depress, make sad.
INJECTINGinjecting v. Present participle of inject.
INJECT v. to force liquid into.
JACKETINGjacketing v. Present participle of jacket.
jacketing n. (Countable, uncountable) Material used to make jackets.
jacketing n. (Countable, uncountable) A protective or insulating cover for an object; a jacket.
JANGLIESTjangliest adj. Superlative form of jangly: most jangly.
JANGLY adj. making a jangling sound.
JENNETINGjenneting n. Alternative form of geniting.
JENNETING n. an early type of apple, also JUNEATING.
JESTINGLYjestingly adv. In jest; jokingly.
JIGGLIESTjiggliest adj. Superlative form of jiggly: most jiggly.
JIGGLY adj. given to jiggling.
JINGLIESTjingliest adj. Superlative form of jingly: most jingly.
JINGLY adj. jingling.
JITTERBUGjitterbug n. (Colloquial) A nervous or jittery person.
jitterbug n. (Jazz) A jazz musician or aficionado.
jitterbug n. (Dance) An uptempo jazz or swing dance which embellishes on the two-step pattern and frequently incorporates…
JITTERINGjittering v. Present participle of jitter.
jittering n. The act or motion of one who jitters.
JITTER v. to fidget.
JUNEATINGjuneating n. Alternative form of geniting.
JUNEATING n. an erroneous form of jenneting, an early type of apple, also JENNETING.
JUNGLIESTjungliest adj. Superlative form of jungly: most jungly.
JUNGLY adj. of or relating to jungles.
JUNKETINGjunketing v. Present participle of junket.
junketing n. A celebratory feast or banquet.
JUNKETING n. going on a pleasure trip.
OBJECTINGobjecting v. Present participle of object.
OBJECT v. to argue in opposition.
REJECTINGrejecting v. Present participle of reject.
REJECT v. to refuse to accept.
TRIJUGATEtrijugate adj. (Botany) In three pairs.
TRIJUGATE adj. in three pairs, also TRIJUGOUS.
UNIJUGATEunijugate adj. (Botany, of a pinnate leaf) Having only one pair of leaflets.
UNIJUGATE adj. of a compound leaf, having only pair of leaflets.
UPJETTINGupjetting v. Present participle of upjet.
UPJET v. to spout up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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