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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, F, O, U and W

FLOWERFULflowerful adj. (Poetic) flowery, abundant in flowers.
FLOWERFUL adj. abounding with flowers.
FUELWOODSfuelwoods n. Plural of fuelwood.
FUELWOOD n. wood suitable for fuel.
FURBELOWSfurbelows n. Plural of furbelow.
FURBELOW v. to decorate with ruffles.
FURROWERSfurrowers n. Plural of furrower.
FURROWER n. one that makes furrows.
GOWPENFULgowpenful n. (Chiefly Scotland) Enough to fill a gowpen; a double handful.
GOWPENFUL n. (Scots) a double handful.
HOUSEWIFEhousewife n. (Plural "housewives") A woman whose main employment is homemaking, maintaining the upkeep of her home…
housewife n. (Plural "housewives") The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
housewife n. (Plural "housewifes") A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work.
OUTFAWNEDoutfawned v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfawn.
OUTFAWN v. to surpass in fawning.
OUTFLOWEDoutflowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outflow.
OUTFLOW v. to flow out.
SHOWERFULshowerful adj. Full of showers; rainy, teary, etc.
showerful n. A quantity that falls in a shower.
SHOWERFUL adj. full of showers.
SUBWOOFERsubwoofer n. An electronic speaker designed to produce low-frequency sound, especially bass.
SUBWOOFER n. part of a sound system.
SUNFLOWERsunflower n. Any plant of the genus Helianthus, so called probably from the form and color of its floral head, having…
sunflower n. A bright yellow, like that of the flower petals.
sunflower n. (Informal, organic chemistry) Any flat, radially symmetric organic compound such as coronene.
UNDERFLOWunderflow n. A current flowing below the surface.
underflow n. (Computing) A condition in which the value of a computed quantity is smaller than the smallest non-zero…
underflow n. (Computing) The error condition that results from an attempt to retrieve an item from an empty stack.
WOEFULLERwoefuller adj. Comparative form of woeful: more woeful.
WOEFUL adj. full of woe, also WAEFUL, WAESOME, WOESOME, WOFUL.
WOFULLESTwofullest adj. Superlative form of wofull: most wofull.
WOFUL adj. full of grief, also WAEFUL, WAESOME, WOESOME.
WOFULNESSwofulness n. Archaic form of woefulness.
WOFULNESS n. the state of being woeful, also WOEFULNESS.
WONDERFULwonderful adj. Tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary.
wonderful adj. Surprisingly excellent; very good or admirable, extremely impressive.
wonderful adv. (Dialect) Exceedingly, to a great extent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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