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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, 2F, G and T

AFFECTINGaffecting adj. Producing or causing strong feelings and emotions.
affecting v. Present participle of affect.
AFFECT v. to act upon.
BUFFETINGbuffeting n. A blow or motion that buffets.
buffeting n. (Aviation) random, irregular motion of the plane or of one of its parts caused by turbulences in the airflow.
buffeting v. Present participle of buffet.
EFFECTINGeffecting adj. Causative, effective.
effecting v. Present participle of effect.
EFFECT v. to bring about.
EFFULGENTeffulgent adj. (Literary, also figuratively) Radiant, resplendent, shining.
EFFULGENT adj. radiant; bright.
FIREFIGHTfirefight n. A skirmish involving an exchange of gunfire.
fire-fight n. Alternative form of firefight.
FIREFIGHT n. an intense exchange of gunfire.
FORGETFULforgetful adj. Unable to remember things well; liable to forget.
forgetful adj. (Mathematics) Dropping some of the input’s structure or properties before producing an output.
FORGETFUL adj. inclined to forget.
GRUFFIESTgruffiest adj. Superlative form of gruffy: most gruffy.
GRUFFY adj. low and harsh in speech.
INFEFTINGinfefting v. Present participle of infeft.
INFEFT v. in Scots law, to enfeoff, to invest with heritable property.
OFFSTAGESoffstages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offstage.
off-stages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of off-stage.
OFFSTAGE n. the part of the stage not visible to the audience.
STAFFAGESstaffages n. Plural of staffage.
STAFFAGE n. decorative addition to a work of art.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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