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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2E, P, Q and U

DEMIPIQUEdemipique n. (Historical) A kind of military saddle.
DEMIPIQUE n. an 18th century war-saddle having a lower peak than usual.
EQUIPAGEDequipaged adj. Furnished with equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
EQUIPAGESequipages n. Plural of equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
EQUIPMENTequipment n. The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition.
equipment n. Any items used in equipping something or someone, for example things needed for an expedition or voyage.
equipment n. (Slang, humorous) The male genitalia.
EQUIPOISEequipoise n. A state of balance; equilibrium.
equipoise n. A counterbalance.
equipoise v. (Transitive) To act or make to act as an equipoise.
EQUIPPERSequippers n. Plural of equipper.
EQUIPPER n. one who equips.
OVEREQUIPoverequip v. (Transitive) To furnish with too much equipment.
OVEREQUIP v. to equip, furnish with, or supply excessively.
PARQUETEDparqueted v. Simple past tense and past participle of parquet.
PARQUET v. (French) to cover a floor with an inlaid design.
PAYCHEQUEpaycheque n. Alternative form of paycheck.
pay␣cheque n. Alternative form of paycheck.
PAYCHEQUE n. a payment for work done, also PAYCHECK.
PEQUISTESPequistes n. Plural of Pequiste.
PEQUISTE n. (Canadian) in Canada, a supporter of the Parti Quebecois.
PERRUQUESperruques n. Plural of perruque.
PERRUQUE n. a kind of wig, also PERUKE.
PETANQUESpetanques n. Alternative form of pétanque (“French boules game”).
petanques n. Plural of petanque (“type of ore”).
PETANQUE n. (French) a game of bowls in which steel bowls are rolled towards a wooden post.
PICQUETEDpicqueted v. Simple past tense and past participle of picquet.
PICQUET v. to act as a picket, also PICKET, PIQUET.
PLAQUETTEplaquette n. A small metal tablet decorated in bas-relief, usually with a design including figures.
plaquette n. (Physics) The smallest closed loop, enclosing the region between four lattice sites, in lattice gauge theory.
PLAQUETTE n. (French) a small plaque.
QUEENCUPSqueencups n. Plural of queencup.
QUEENCUP n. a flowering plant, aka clintonia.
QUEENSHIPqueenship n. The rank, status, position, or dignity of a queen.
QUEENSHIP n. the state, rank, or dignity of a queen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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