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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2O and Y

BOOGEYMENboogeymen n. Plural of boogeyman.
BOOGEYMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGERMAN, BOOGIEMAN, BOOGYMAN.
COENOCYTEcoenocyte n. A cell with multiple nuclei, found in fungi, algae, protists and slime molds.
COENOCYTE n. a multinucleate unicellular organism in slime molds, fungi and algae.
EXOCYTOSEexocytose v. To undergo exocytosis.
EXOCYTOSE v. to secrete a substance from within a cell.
FREEBOOTYfreebooty n. (Obsolete) freebootery.
GOOEYNESSgooeyness n. The state or property of being gooey.
GOOEYNESS n. stickiness.
HOMEOMERYhomeomery n. Alternative form of homoeomeria.
HOMEOMERY n. the state of being homoeomeric, having all the somites alike, also HOMOEOMERY.
KERBLOOEYkerblooey n. Alternative form of kablooie.
KERBLOOEY n. the sound of an explosion.
KERFLOOEYkerflooey adj. (US, slang) kaput.
KERFLOOEY adj. into a state of destruction or malfunction.
MEREOLOGYmereology n. (Logic) The discipline which deals with the relationship of parts with their respective wholes.
MEREOLOGY n. the formal study of the logical properties of the relation between part and whole.
OKEYDOKEYokeydokey interj. Alternative form of okey-dokey.
okey-dokey interj. An exclamation of accordance; okay, OK.
okey␣dokey interj. Alternative form of okey-dokey.
OOMYCETESoomycetes n. Plural of oomycete.
Oomycetes prop.n. A taxonomic class within the phylum Pseudofungi – water molds.
oömycetes n. Plural of oömycete.
OPEROSELYoperosely adv. In an operose manner.
OPEROSE adv. involving great labour.
OSTEOCYTEosteocyte n. (Cytology) A mature bone cell involved with the maintenance of bone.
OSTEOCYTE n. a cell that is characteristic of adult bone.
OSTEOGENYosteogeny n. Osteogenesis.
OSTEOGENY n. the formation or growth of bone.
OVERJOYEDoverjoyed adj. Very happy.
overjoyed adj. (Obsolete) Overly happy.
overjoyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overjoy.
TELEOLOGYteleology n. (Philosophy) The study of the purpose or design of natural occurrences.
teleology n. (By extension) An instance of such a design or purpose, usually in natural phenomena.
teleology n. The use of a purpose or design rather than the laws of nature to explain an occurrence.
TELEONOMYteleonomy n. (Evolutionary theory) The quality of living organisms of seeming to be organized towards the attainment of an end.
TELEONOMY n. the property of living systems of being organized towards the attainment of ends without true purposiveness.
TOYLESOMEtoylesome adj. Obsolete form of toilsome.
TOYLESOME adj. (Spenser) toilsome, also TOYLSOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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