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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 4E and W

BEJEWELEDbejeweled adj. Covered in jewels, especially as decoration.
bejeweled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bejewel.
BEJEWEL v. to adorn with jewels.
DEERWEEDSdeerweeds n. Plural of deerweed.
DEERWEED n. a bushlike herb.
ELSEWHEREelsewhere adv. Synonym of somewhere else: in, at, or to some other place.
elsewhere n. Synonym of somewhere else: a place other than here.
ELSEWHERE adv. in another place.
ENWHEELEDenwheeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of enwheel.
ENWHEEL v. (Shakespeare) to encircle.
EVERWHEREeverwhere adv. (US, dialectal, Appalachia) Wherever.
everwhere adv. (US, dialectal) Everywhere.
EVERWHERE adv. to or in all parts and places.
FEVERWEEDfeverweed n. The plant Eupatorium purpureum.
FEVERWEED n. a plant thought to be medicinal.
FREEWHEELfreewheel n. A device in a transmission that disengages the driveshaft from the driven shaft when the driven shaft…
freewheel v. (Of a gear) To continue spinning after disengagement.
freewheel v. (Of a cyclist) To ride a bicycle without pedalling, e.g. downhill.
GREENWEEDgreenweed n. Any of several plants, of the genus Genista, related to broom.
GREENWEED n. a name given to certain half-shrubby species of Genista.
JEWELWEEDjewelweed n. (US) Impatiens, especially Impatiens capensis and Impatiens pallida.
jewel-weed n. Alternative spelling of jewelweed.
JEWELWEED n. a plant of the touch-me-not genus with crimson-spotted yellow flowers.
PEESWEEPSpeesweeps n. Plural of peesweep.
PEESWEEP n. (Scots) the peewit.
PEETWEETSpeetweets n. Plural of peetweet.
PEETWEET n. a wading bird.
RETWEETEDretweeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of retweet.
RETWEET v. to tweet again.
SWEETENEDsweetened v. Simple past tense and past participle of sweeten.
sweetened adj. Made to taste sweet.
sweetened adj. Containing sweetener.
SWEETENERsweetener n. Something added to food to sweeten its taste, especially an artificial substitute for sugar.
sweetener n. (Informal) Something given or added to added to a deal to sweeten another’s attitude, especially a bribe…
sweetener n. (Slang) A shill bidder at an auction.
WEEDERIESweederies n. Plural of weedery.
WEEDERY n. a place full of weeds.
WEEKENDEDweekended v. Simple past tense and past participle of weekend.
WEEKEND v. to take a holiday on Saturday or Sunday.
WEEKENDERweekender n. Someone who visits a place for a weekend break.
weekender n. Someone who takes part in a sport or similar event at weekends.
weekender n. Ellipsis of weekender bag.
WEEWEEINGweeweeing v. Present participle of weewee.
wee-weeing v. Present participle of wee-wee.
WEEWEE v. (colloquial) to urinate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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