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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, O, 2T and Z

BOZZETTIbozzetti n. Plural of bozzetto.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
BOZZETTObozzetto n. (Art) A small scale model used to make a larger sculpture.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
MOZETTASmozettas n. Plural of mozetta.
MOZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZZETTA.
MOZZETTAmozzetta n. A short cape worn by some Catholic clergy.
MOZZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZETTA.
MOZZETTEmozzette n. Plural of mozzetta.
MOZZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZETTA.
TERZETTOterzetto n. (Music) A composition in three voice parts.
terzetto n. (Music) A vocal (or, rarely, instrumental) trio.
TERZETTO n. (Italian) a composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio.
TOTALIZEtotalize v. To combine parts to make a total.
totalize v. To treat or construe something as universal, all-embracing, or comprehensive.
TOTALIZE v. to make complete, also TOTALISE.
TOUZIESTTOUZY adj. shaggy, unkempt, also TOUSY, TOWSY, TOWZY.
TOWZIESTtowziest adj. Superlative form of towzy: most towzy.
TOWZY adj. shaggy, unkempt, also TOUSY, TOUZY, TOWSY.
TUTORIZEtutorize v. (Transitive, archaic) To teach; to instruct.
TUTORIZE v. to tutor, also TUTORISE.
ZOOTIESTZOOTY adj. flashy in manner or style.
ZUCHETTOzuchetto n. Misspelling of zucchetto.
ZUCHETTO n. (Italian) a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank, also ZUCCHETTO, ZUCHETTA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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