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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, O, 2T and V

CAVETTOScavettos n. Plural of cavetto.
CAVETTO n. (Italian) a concave moulding.
CORVETTEcorvette n. (Nautical, historical) A flush-decked warship of the 17th-18th centuries having a single tier of guns;…
corvette n. (Nautical) In a modern navy, a lightly armed and armoured blue water warship, smaller than a frigate…
Corvette n. A type of sports car, manufactured by Chevrolet from 1953 to present.
GAVOTTEDgavotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of gavotte.
GAVOTTE v. to dance a gavotte.
GAVOTTESgavottes n. Plural of gavotte.
GAVOTTE v. to dance a gavotte.
MOTIVATEmotivate v. (Transitive) To provide someone with an incentive to do something; to encourage.
motivate v. (Transitive) To animate; to propel; to cause to take action.
MOTIVATE v. to inspire to action, also MOTIVE.
OPTATIVEoptative adj. Expressing a wish or a choice.
optative adj. (Grammar) Related or pertaining to the optative mood.
optative n. (Grammar) A mood of verbs found in some languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Old Prussian, and Ancient Greek, but…
OUTVOTEDoutvoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outvote.
OUTVOTE v. to defeat by a majority of votes.
OUTVOTERoutvoter n. One who casts a vote in an election held in an area in which they do not live.
OUTVOTER n. a voter from outside the electorate.
OUTVOTESoutvotes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outvote.
OUTVOTE v. to defeat by a majority of votes.
OVERTARTovertart adj. Excessively tart.
OVERTART adj. too tart.
ROTATIVErotative adj. Turning like a wheel; rotary; rotational.
ROTATIVE adj. turning like a wheel, also ROTARY, ROTATIONAL, ROTATORY.
ROTAVATErotavate v. To till the soil using a rotavator.
ROTAVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTOVATE.
ROTOVATErotovate v. Alternative form of rotavate.
ROTOVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTAVATE.
STOVETOPstovetop n. (Cooking, US, Canada) The top of a stove; usually specifically the burners.
stove-top n. Alternative form of stovetop.
STOVETOP n. the hob of a stove.
TEVATRONTEVATRON n. a kind of particle accelerator.
TOTITIVEtotitive n. (Mathematics) Alternative form of totative.
TOTITIVE n. a number less than another and prime to it.
VARLETTOvarletto n. (Obsolete) A varlet; a scoundrel.
VARLETTO n. (Shakespeare) sham Italian for a varlet.
VIRETOTSVIRETOT n. (Scott) rush, dash, gad.
VOLITATEvolitate v. (Intransitive, formal, obsolete) To fly.
VOLITATE v. to fly about, flutter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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