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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, 3O and P

FOOTROPEfootrope n. (Nautical) a rope attached to the lower part of a sail.
footrope n. (Nautical) a rope attached to a yard that sailors stood on to stabilize it when furling or reefing.
FOOTROPE n. a rope used in sailing.
GONOPOREgonopore n. A small genital opening in the female of some insects etc.
GONOPORE n. a genital pore.
LOOPHOLEloophole n. (Historical) A slit in a castle wall; today, any similar window for shooting a ranged weapon or letting…
loophole n. (Figurative) A method of escape, especially an ambiguity or exception in a rule or law that can be exploited…
loophole v. (Military, transitive) To prepare a building for defense by preparing slits or holes through which to…
MONOPODEmonopode n. Someone or something with one foot.
MONOPODE n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPOD.
MONOPOLEmonopole n. An appellation owned by a single winery.
monopole n. (Physics) A magnetic monopole.
monopole n. A monopole antenna.
OOSPORESoospores n. Plural of oospore.
oöspores n. Plural of oöspore.
OOSPORE n. a fertilized egg within an oogonium.
OTOSCOPEotoscope n. (Medicine) An instrument used for examining the eardrum and interior of the outer ear.
OTOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the ear.
POKEROOTpokeroot n. Synonym of pokeweed.
POKEROOT n. an aromatic perennial herb of the United States, also POKEWEED.
POPEHOODpopehood n. The status of pope; papacy.
POPEHOOD n. the condition of being pope.
SOPOROSEsoporose adj. Alternative form of soporous.
SOPOROSE adj. causing sleep; sleepy, also SOPOROUS.
ZOOPHOBEzoophobe n. A zoophobic person.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.
ZOOSPOREzoospore n. A motile asexual spore of some algae and fungi.
zoöspore n. Alternative spelling of zoospore.
ZOOSPORE n. a motile flagellated spore, occurring in certain algae, fungi, and protozoans.
ZOOTROPEzootrope n. Alternative form of zoetrope.
ZOOTROPE n. (Greek) a slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation, also ZOETROPE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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