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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, 2N, O and Z

BENZOINSbenzoins n. Plural of benzoin.
BENZOIN n. a fragrant aromatic resin obtained from eastern Asian trees of the genus Styrax.
BEZONIANbezonian n. (Obsolete) A beggar, pauper, or rascal.
BEZONIAN n. (Shakespeare) a beggar, also BESONIAN.
CANONIZEcanonize v. (Chiefly Roman Catholicism) To declare (a deceased person) as a saint, and enter them into the canon of saints.
canonize v. (Figurative) To regard as a saint; to glorify, to exalt to the highest honour.
canonize v. (Christianity) To formally declare (a piece of religious writing) to be part of the biblical canon.
CANZONEScanzones n. Plural of canzone.
CANZONE n. (Italian) a song resembling a madrigal but less strict, also CANZONA.
CANZONETcanzonet n. A short song, now especially one which is light and breezy.
CANZONET n. (Italian) a short song.
COZENINGcozening v. Present participle of cozen.
cozening n. Fraud; deception; the acts of one who cozens.
COZEN v. to cheat, also COOSEN, COOSIN.
DOWNZONEdownzone v. (US, politics) To change an area or property to a less restrictive zoning.
DOWNZONE v. to reduce or limit the number of buildings permitted.
DOZENINGDOZEN v. (Scots) to doze.
ENDOZOONENDOZOON n. an internal parasite, also ENTOZOAN, ENTOZOON.
ENDZONESendzones n. Plural of endzone.
end␣zones n. Plural of end zone.
ENDZONE n. in American football, one of the areas at either end of the field of play into which the offensive team attempts to take the ball.
ENFROZENenfrozen v. Past participle of enfreeze.
ENFREEZE v. to freeze; to congeal.
ENTOZOANentozoan adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Entozoa.
ENTOZOAN n. an internal parasite, also ENDOZOON, ENTOZOON.
ENTOZOONentozoon n. (Obsolete) Any of various microscopic parasitic worms previously classified together under the grouping Entozoa.
ENTOZOON n. an internal parasite, also ENDOZOON, ENTOZOAN.
ENZONINGenzoning v. Present participle of enzone.
ENZONE v. to engirdle or surround with a zone or belt.
MENAZONSMENAZON n. an insecticide.
REZONINGrezoning v. Present participle of rezone.
rezoning n. The act, process or result of being rezoned.
REZONING n. the act of altering the boundaries of.
UNFROZENunfrozen adj. Not frozen.
unfrozen v. Past participle of unfreeze.
UNFREEZE v. to cause to thaw.
UNIONIZEunionize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To organize workers into a union.
UNIONIZE v. to form into a union, also UNIONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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