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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, K, L, S and Y

ANKYLOSEankylose v. (Transitive, pathology) To cause bony structures to fuse or stiffen as a result of ankylosis.
ankylose v. (Intransitive, pathology) To suffer from ankylosis.
ANKYLOSE v. to fuse as the bones of a joint.
EYESTALKeyestalk n. (Anatomy) A motile stalk having an eye at the tip.
EYESTALK n. a stalklike structure with an eye at its tip.
FLUNKEYSflunkeys n. Plural of flunkey (alternative spelling of flunkies).
FLUNKEY n. a servile follower, also FLUNKIE, FLUNKY.
FLYSPECKflyspeck n. Housefly excrement, visible as a minuscule black dot.
flyspeck n. (By extension) Anything tiny or insignificant.
flyspeck v. To bespeckle with tiny spatters of color.
KEYHOLESkeyholes n. Plural of keyhole.
keyholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of keyhole.
KEYHOLE n. a hole for a key.
KEYLINESkeylines n. Plural of keyline.
KEYLINE n. a diagram representing how an illustration will appear.
KIELBASYkielbasy n. Plural of kielbasa.
LEKYTHOSlekythos n. A pottery flask with a narrow neck, used in Ancient Greece for storing oil.
LEKYTHOS n. an oil jar used in ancient Greece, also LECYTHUS, LEKYTHUS.
LEKYTHUSlekythus n. Alternative form of lekythos.
LEKYTHUS n. (Latin) an oil jar used in ancient Greece, also LEKYTHOS, LECYTHUS.
OLYKOEKSolykoeks n. Plural of olykoek.
OLYKOEK n. (Dutch) a type of doughnut, also OLICOOK, OLICOOK.
ROKELAYSrokelays n. Plural of rokelay.
ROKELAY n. (Scots) a short cloak, also ROCKLAY, ROQUELAURE.
SICKERLYsickerly adv. (Obsolete outside dialects) Certainly.
SICKER adv. (Scots) sure, certain, also SICCAR, SIKER, SYKER.
SKYLINESskylines n. Plural of skyline.
SKYLINE n. the horizon.
SNEAKILYsneakily adv. In a sneaky manner.
SNEAKY adv. crafty.
TOCKLEYSTOCKLEY n. (vulgar Australian slang) the penis.
YOKELESSyokeless adj. Without a yoke.
YOKELESS adj. without a yoke.
YOKELISHyokelish adj. Like a rustic or bumpkin; simple and ignorant.
YOKELISH adj. like a country bumpkin.
YOLKIESTyolkiest adj. Superlative form of yolky: most yolky.
YOLKY adj. like yolk.
YOLKLESSyolkless adj. Without a yolk.
YOLKLESS adj. having no yolk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 153 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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