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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2T and Z

ATHETIZEathetize v. (Linguistics, transitive) To reject a passage of text as spurious.
ATHETIZE v. in textual criticism, to reject (a passage) as spurious, also ATHETISE.
ATTICIZEAtticize v. (Intransitive) To side with the Athenians.
Atticize v. (Intransitive) To use the Attic idiom or style; to conform to the customs or modes of thought of the Athenians.
ATTICIZE v. to use atticisms, also ATTICISE.
BOZZETTIbozzetti n. Plural of bozzetto.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
DITZIESTditziest adj. Superlative form of ditzy: most ditzy.
DITZY adj. eccentric, also DITSY.
FRIZETTEfrizette n. A fringe of hair or curls around a woman’s forehead.
frizette n. (Historical) A pad of frizzed hair or silk formerly worn by women under the hair to stuff it out.
FRIZETTE n. (French) a frizzed fringe of hair, also FRISETTE.
RITZIESTritziest adj. Superlative form of ritzy: most ritzy.
RITZY adj. pretentious.
STRELITZStrelitz n. (Historical) A soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army.
STRELITZ n. (Russian) a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army.
TERZETTIterzetti n. Plural of terzetto.
TERZETTO n. (Italian) a composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio.
TETANIZEtetanize v. (Biology, transitive) To throw (A muscle etc.) into a state of permanent contraction; to cause tetanus in.
TETANIZE v. to affect with convulsions, also TETANISE.
TOTALIZEtotalize v. To combine parts to make a total.
totalize v. To treat or construe something as universal, all-embracing, or comprehensive.
TOTALIZE v. to make complete, also TOTALISE.
TOUZIESTTOUZY adj. shaggy, unkempt, also TOUSY, TOWSY, TOWZY.
TOWZIESTtowziest adj. Superlative form of towzy: most towzy.
TOWZY adj. shaggy, unkempt, also TOUSY, TOUZY, TOWSY.
TRISTEZAtristeza n. A damaging viral disease of citrus plants, caused by Closterovirus.
TRISTEZA n. (Portuguese) a disease of citrus trees.
TUTORIZEtutorize v. (Transitive, archaic) To teach; to instruct.
TUTORIZE v. to tutor, also TUTORISE.
WURTZITEwurtzite n. (Mineralogy) A dark brown zinc iron sulfide mineral ((Zn,Fe)S), a form of sphalerite.
wurtzite adj. Of or pertaining to wurtzite crystal structure, a hexagonal crystal system named after the mineral wurtzite.
WURTZITE n. sulphide of zinc.
ZARATITEzaratite n. (Mineralogy) a hydrous basic nickel carbonate occurring in emerald-green incrustations or compact masses.
ZARATITE n. a mineral, a hydrous carbonate of nickel.
ZESTIESTzestiest adj. Superlative form of zesty: most zesty.
ZESTY adj. full of zest.
ZETETICSzetetics n. Plural of zetetic.
zetetics n. (Mathematics) A branch of algebra which relates to the direct search for unknown quantities.
ZETETIC n. (Greek) a search, an enquiry.
ZOOTIESTZOOTY adj. flashy in manner or style.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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