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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, I, N, P and X

APPENDIXappendix n. (Obsolete in general sense) Something attached to something else; an attachment or accompaniment.
appendix n. A text added to the end of a book or an article, containing additional information.
appendix n. (Anatomy) The vermiform appendix.
CINEPLEXcineplex n. (US) A cinema having multiple theatres (showing rooms).
CINEPLEX n. a multiple cinema complex.
EPOXYINGepoxying v. Present participle of epoxy.
EPOXY v. to glue with a type of resin.
EXPIRANTexpirant n. One who expires or is expiring.
EXPIRANT n. someone expiring.
EXPIRINGexpiring adj. Ending, terminating, dying.
expiring v. Present participle of expire.
EXPIRE v. to come to an end.
EXPLAINSexplains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of explain.
EXPLAIN v. to make clear and understandable.
EXPOSINGexposing v. Present participle of expose.
EXPOSE v. to lay open to view.
INEXPERTinexpert adj. Inept or unskilled; not of expert ability or quality.
inexpert n. An inept or unskilled person.
INEXPERT adj. not expert, also UNEXPERT.
PANMIXESPANMIXIS n. (Greek) random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIA.
PHENIXESphenixes n. Plural of phenix.
PHENIX n. a bird fabled to exist single, to be consumed by fire by its own act, and to rise again from its ashes, also PHOENIX.
PIXINESSpixiness n. Quality of being pixyish.
PIXINESS n. the state of being playfully mischievous.
PONTIFEXpontifex n. (Historical) A pontiff, or high priest, in Ancient Rome.
PONTIFEX n. (Latin) a chief priest, also PONTIFF.
SIXPENCEsixpence n. (Obsolete, Britain, uncountable) The value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.
sixpence n. (Historical) A former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.
SIXPENCE n. an obsolete British coin worth six pence.
SIXPENNYsixpenny adj. Worth six pennies.
sixpenny adj. (Dated) Cheap; worthless.
sixpenny n. A publication costing sixpence.
SPHINXESsphinxes n. Plural of sphinx.
sphinxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sphinx.
SPHINX n. (Greek) any of several Egyptian stone figures of a creature with a human or animal head and (occasionally) breast and a lion's body.
SPINIFEXspinifex n. An Australian coastal grass, in genus Spinifex.
spinifex n. (Australia) A coastal grass, either in genera Triodia or Spinifex.
SPINIFEX n. (Latin) a sharp-pointed Australian grass.
SPINTEXTspintext n. (Archaic) A long-winded preacher.
SPINTEXT n. a clergyman, a long-winded preacher.
SWINEPOXswinepox n. A disease of pigs, caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae and the genus Suipoxvirus.
swinepox n. (Medicine, obsolete) A form of chickenpox, with acuminated vesicles containing a watery fluid; the waterpox.
SWINEPOX n. a disease of swine.
XERAPHINxeraphin n. Alternative form of xeraphim.
XERAPHIN n. (Portuguese) a former silver coin of Goa, also SERAFIN, SERAPHIN, XERAFIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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