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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, L, O and X

ALDOXIMEaldoxime n. (Organic chemistry) Any oxime derived from an aldehyde; general formula RCH=NOH.
ALDOXIME n. an oxime formed by reaction between hydroxylamine and an aldehyde.
ALKOXIDEalkoxide n. (Organic chemistry) Any organic compound derived from an alcohol by replacement of a hydrogen atom with…
ALKOXIDE n. a basic salt derived from an alcohol by the replacement of a hydroxyl hydrogen with a metal.
BOLLIXEDbollixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bollix.
BOLLIX v. to make a mess of, also BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BOLLIXESbollixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bollix.
bollixes n. Plural of bollix.
BOLLIX v. to make a mess of, also BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
EXORDIALexordial adj. Of or relating to an exordium, beginning or introduction.
EXORDIAL adj. pertaining to the exordium of a discourse, introductory.
EXPLOITSexploits n. Plural of exploit.
exploits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exploit.
EXPLOIT v. to take advantage of.
FLEXIONSflexions n. Plural of flexion.
FLEXION n. the act of bending, or state of being bent, also FLECTION.
HEXAFOILhexafoil n. A design with six round semicircular petals stemming from a central circle.
HEXAFOIL n. a pattern with six leaflike lobes.
ISOLEXESisolexes n. Plural of isolex.
ISOLEX n. a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used.
LEXICONSlexicons n. Plural of lexicon.
LEXICON n. (Greek) a dictionary.
OXALISESoxalises n. Plural of oxalis.
OXALIS n. (Greek) a plant of the wood-sorrel genus.
OXIDABLEoxidable adj. (Chemistry) capable of being oxidized, or converted into an oxide.
OXIDABLE adj. capable of being oxidized.
OXYPHILEOXYPHILE n. an organism that thrives on an acid environment, also OXYPHIL.
SAXICOLESAXICOLE adj. living or growing among rocks, also SAXATILE.
SEXFOILSsexfoils n. Plural of sexfoil.
SEXFOIL n. an ornamental design having six leaves or petals radiating from a common centre.
SILOXANEsiloxane n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of compound having a short repeating unit of silicon and oxygen atoms (either…
SILOXANE n. any of various polymers containing silicon and oxygen.
XENOLITHxenolith n. (Geology) any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found.
XENOLITH n. (Greek) a rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs.
XYLONITExylonite n. (Obsolete) Celluloid.
XYLONITE n. a non-thermosetting plastic of the nitrocellulose type, also ZYLONITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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