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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2K and O

BOOKLIKEbooklike adj. Resembling a book.
BOOKLIKE adj. like a book.
COCKLIKEcocklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cock (the bird).
COCKLIKE adj. like a rooster.
COKELIKEcokelike adj. Resembling coke (coal residue) or some aspect of it.
COKELIKE adj. like coke.
CORKLIKEcorklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cork.
CORKLIKE adj. like cork.
DEKKOINGDEKKO v. to take a look, also DECKO.
FOLKLIKEfolklike adj. (Music) Resembling the style of folk music.
folk-like adj. Alternative spelling of folklike.
FOLKLIKE adj. having the quality of the common people e.g. of music.
FORKLIKEforklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a fork.
FORKLIKE adj. like a fork.
HOOKLIKEhooklike adj. Resembling a hook.
HOOKLIKE adj. like a hook.
KAKIEMONkakiemon n. Japanese porcelain wares featuring enamel decoration.
KAKIEMON n. (Japanese) a type of Japanese porcelain.
KALOOKIEKALOOKIE n. a card game similar to rummy, using two packs of cards and two jokers, also KALOOKI, KALUKI.
KLEFTIKOkleftiko n. A Greek dish of lamb marinated and baked on the bone.
KLEFTIKO n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of slowly cooked lamb.
KLONDIKEklondike n. Alternative form of Klondike (“source of wealth”).
klondike v. To export fresh fish (usually herring or mackerel) rather than pickled ones.
Klondike prop.n. A river in Yukon, Canada.
KNOBLIKEknoblike adj. Resembling a knob.
KNOBLIKE adj. like a knob.
KNOTLIKEknotlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a knot.
KNOTLIKE adj. like a knot.
KOOKIESTkookiest adj. Superlative form of kooky: most kooky.
KOOKY adj. eccentric.
NOOKLIKEnooklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nook.
NOOKLIKE adj. like a nook.
ROCKLIKErocklike adj. Resembling a rock.
rocklike adj. Resembling rock music.
rock-like adj. (Of a material or substance) Similar to rock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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