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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, I, J, R and U

INJURERSinjurers n. Plural of injurer.
INJURER n. one who injures.
INJURIESinjuries n. Plural of injury.
INJURY n. harm inflicted or suffered.
JAUNTIERjauntier adj. Comparative form of jaunty: more jaunty.
JAUNTY adj. briskly self-assured, also JANTY, JANTEE, JAUNTEE, JAUNTIE.
JERQUINGjerquing n. (UK, archaic) The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
JERQUING n. a search for contraband, also JERKING.
JOINTUREjointure n. (Obsolete) A joining; a joint.
jointure n. (Law) An estate settled on a wife, which she is to enjoy after her husband’s death, for her own life…
jointure v. (Transitive) To settle a jointure upon.
JOUNCIERjouncier adj. Comparative form of jouncy: more jouncy.
JOUNCY adj. jolting.
JUDICAREJUDICARE n. government-paid legal services.
JUMBLIERJUMBLY adj. in a jumble.
JUNGLIERjunglier adj. Comparative form of jungly: more jungly.
JUNGLY adj. of or relating to jungles.
JUNIOREDJUNIOR v. (of a lawyer) to assist the lead lawyer on a case.
JUNIPERSjunipers n. Plural of juniper.
JUNIPER n. an evergreen coniferous shrub whose berries are used in making gin.
JUSTICERjusticer n. (Archaic) One who administers justice, particularly a judge.
JUSTICER n. (obsolete) a judge, magistrate, also JUSTICIAR, JUSTICIARY.
REINJUREreinjure v. To injure a body part which has already been injured.
REINJURE v. to injure again.
REINJURYreinjury n. Injury appearing for a second or subsequent time.
REINJURY n. a second injury.
VERJUICEverjuice n. A very acidic juice made by pressing unripe grapes.
VERJUICE n. the sour juice of crab apples or of unripe fruit (as grapes or apples), also VERJUS.
VERJUICE v. to make sour with verjuice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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