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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, J, L and S

FRIJOLESfrijoles n. Plural of frijole.
FRIJOL n. (Spanish) a bean used as food, the kidney bean, also FRIJOLE.
JAILLESSjailless adj. Without a jail or jails.
JAILLESS adj. having no gaol, also GAOLLESS.
JALLEBISJALLEBI n. (Sanskrit) an Asian snack of deep-fried dough covered with syrup, also JALEBI.
JALOPIESjalopies n. Plural of jalopy.
JALOPY n. a decrepit car, also JALOPPY.
JALOUSIEjalousie n. (Naval architecture) A component in a ventilation system.
jalousie n. Upward sloping window slats which form a blind or shutter, allowing light and air in but excluding rain…
jalousie n. A pastry with the upper side sliced before final baking to resemble a wooden slatted blind.
JAVELINSjavelins n. Plural of javelin.
JAVELIN v. to pierce with a light spear.
JAWLINESjawlines n. Plural of jawline.
JAWLINE n. the outline of the lower jaw.
JEOFAILSjeofails n. Plural of jeofail.
JEOFAIL n. (obsolete) an omission or oversight in a law proceeding.
JETFOILSjetfoils n. Plural of jetfoil.
JETFOIL n. a hydrofoil powered by a jet of water.
JINGLERSjinglers n. Plural of jingler.
JINGLER n. one who, or that which, jingles.
JINGLETSjinglets n. Plural of jinglet.
JINGLET n. a clapper on a sleigh-bell.
JOLLIERSJOLLIER n. one who puts others in a good humor.
JOLLIESTjolliest adj. Superlative form of jolly: most jolly.
JOLLY adj. mirthful.
JOLTIESTjoltiest adj. Superlative form of jolty: most jolty.
JOLTY adj. in a jolting manner.
JOWLIESTjowliest adj. Superlative form of jowly: most jowly.
JOWLY adj. having prominent jowls.
JUBILEESjubilees n. Plural of jubilee.
Jubilees n. Plural of Jubilee.
JUBILEE n. a celebration, also JUBILE.
MAJLISESmajlises n. Plural of majlis.
Majlises n. Plural of Majlis.
MAJLIS n. (Arabic) an assembly or council in various North African and Middle Eastern countries, also MEJLIS.
MEJLISESmejlises n. Plural of majlis.
Mejlises n. Plural of Mejlis.
MEJLIS n. (Arabic) an assembly or council in various North African and Middle Eastern countries, also MAJLIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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