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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, H, R, U and Y

BUTCHERYbutchery n. The cruel, ruthless killings of humans, as at a slaughterhouse.
butchery n. (Rare) An abattoir, a slaughterhouse.
butchery n. The butchering of meat.
CHEMURGYchemurgy n. (Chemistry) a branch of applied chemistry that is concerned with preparing industrial products from…
CHEMURGY n. a branch of applied chemistry.
CLERUCHYcleruchy n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A form of Athenian colony in the time of Ancient Greece, under which the…
CLERUCHY n. (Greek) an allotment of land in a foreign territory made to a citizen of Athens, also CLERUCHIA.
CUTCHERYcutchery n. Alternative spelling of cutcherry (administration office).
cutchery n. A spice: kitchery.
cutchery n. An Indian dish of rice boiled with split pulse, onions, eggs, butter, and condiments.
EUPHRASYeuphrasy n. The eyebright, Euphrasia officinalis.
EUPHRASY n. eyebright, a plant once used to treat disorders of the eyes, also EUPHRASIA.
EURYBATHeurybath n. A eurybathic organism.
EURYBATH n. an organism that can live in various water depths.
EURYTHMYeurythmy n. The harmony of features and proportion in architecture.
eurythmy n. Graceful body movements to the rhythm of spoken words and music.
eurythmy n. (Medicine) Healthy, normal beating of the pulse; eurhythmia.
EUTROPHYeutrophy n. (Medicine) healthy nutrition.
eutrophy n. (Geography, of a body of water) The quality of being rich in minerals and nutrients.
eutrophy v. (Transitive, intransitive, of a body of water) To make or become rich in minerals and nutrients, which…
HIERURGYhierurgy n. A sacred performance.
HIERURGY n. a sacred performance.
HUNGERLYhungerly adv. (Obsolete) Hungrily.
hungerly adj. (Obsolete) Wanting food; starved.
HUNGERLY adj. (Shakespeare) hungry, hungrily.
HURRAYEDhurrayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hurray.
HURRAY v. to shout hurray, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAH.
OUTHYREDOUTHYRE v. (Spenser) to hire out.
OUTHYRESOUTHYRE v. (Spenser) to hire out.
SHUDDERYshuddery adj. Characterized by shuddering motions.
SHUDDERY adj. shuddering.
THUGGERYthuggery n. The violent, criminal acts that are associated with thugs, and/or the fashion, manner of speaking, and…
THUGGERY n. thuggish behaviour.
THUNDERYthundery adj. Of weather: stormy, with thunder and lightning.
thundery adj. Resembling or characteristic of thunder.
thundery adj. Threatening.
UNRHYMEDunrhymed adj. Having no rhyme.
unrhymed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unrhyme.
UNRHYMED adj. not rhymed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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