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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, H and 3O

BOOHOOEDboohooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of boohoo.
BOOHOO v. to cry.
BOOTHOSEboothose n. An item of clothing worn over the stockings, in fashion in the seventeenth century.
BOOTHOSE n. (Shakespeare) a long stocking which covers the leg like a boot.
FOREHOOFforehoof n. A front hoof.
FOREHOOF n. the hoof of a forefoot.
FORHOOEDFORHOO v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOOIE, FORHOW.
FORHOOIEFORHOOIE v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOW, FORHOO.
HOLLOOEDhollooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of holloo.
HOMEOBOXhomeobox n. (Genetics) A short sequence of DNA that is shared by several genes involved in the morphogenesis of many organisms.
HOMEOBOX n. a short DNA sequence, also HOMOEOBOX.
HOMEROOMhomeroom n. (US) A classroom where school pupils of the same age gather for registration, or for other purposes…
homeroom n. (US) The collection of pupils who gather in such a room.
HOMEROOM n. the classroom where pupils gather before class.
HOODOOEDhoodooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hoodoo.
HOODOO v. to bring bad luck to.
HOOKNOSEhooknose n. An aquiline nose.
hooknose n. Someone with such a nose, especially Jews.
hooknose n. A fish, the armed bullhead.
HOOROOEDhoorooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hooroo.
HOOROO v. (Australian) to say goodbye, cheerio.
HOOSEGOWhoosegow n. (US, slang) A jail.
HOOSEGOW n. (US slang) a prison, jail, also HOOSGOW.
HOROLOGEhorologe n. (Obsolete) A clock or watch.
HOROLOGE n. any instrument for telling the time, also HOROLOGION, HOROLOGIUM.
LOOPHOLEloophole n. (Historical) A slit in a castle wall; today, any similar window for shooting a ranged weapon or letting…
loophole n. (Figurative) A method of escape, especially an ambiguity or exception in a rule or law that can be exploited…
loophole v. (Military, transitive) To prepare a building for defense by preparing slits or holes through which to…
POPEHOODpopehood n. The status of pope; papacy.
POPEHOOD n. the condition of being pope.
WOODHOLEwoodhole n. A place where wood is stored.
WOODHOLE n. a place where wood is stored.
ZOOCHOREzoochore n. (Botany) A plant whose seeds, spores, or fruit are dispersed by animals.
ZOOCHORE n. a plant with seeds or spores dispersed by animals.
ZOOPHOBEzoophobe n. A zoophobic person.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.
ZOOTHOMEzoothome n. (Zoology, archaic) A number of coral polyps on a branch of coral.
zoöthome n. Alternative form of zoothome.
ZOOTHOME n. a group of zooids, such as a mass of coral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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