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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, H, M and 2T

AMETHYSTamethyst n. A transparent purple variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
amethyst n. (Uncountable) A purple colour.
amethyst n. (Heraldry) The tincture purpure, when emblazoning the arms of the English nobility.
HEMATITEhematite n. (Mineralogy) An iron ore, mainly peroxide of iron, Fe2O3.
HEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HAEMATITE.
HEMOSTAThemostat n. (Medicine) An instrument that clamps blood vessels to diminish or halt blood flow.
HEMOSTAT n. an instrument for stopping bleeding, also HAEMOSTAT.
HUTMENTShutments n. Plural of hutment.
HUTMENT n. a group of huts.
MATCHETSmatchets n. Plural of matchet.
MATCHET n. a large heavy knife, also MACHETE.
MELTITHSmeltiths n. Plural of meltith.
MELTITH n. (Scots) a meal; a cow's yield at one milking.
MIGHTESTmightest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple past form of may.
mightest adj. (Obsolete) superlative form of might: most might.
MIGHTEST v. (archaic) 2nd person singular of might, also MIGHTST.
MONTEITHmonteith n. A bowl used for the cooling or washing of wine glasses.
monteith n. A large 18th-century punchbowl, usually of silver, fluted and scalloped.
monteith n. (Obsolete) A cotton handkerchief with white spots on a coloured background.
MOTHIESTmothiest adj. Superlative form of mothy: most mothy.
MOTHY adj. full of moths.
MYTHIESTmythiest adj. Superlative form of mythy: most mythy.
MYTHY adj. resembling myth.
SCHMATTEschmatte n. Alternative spelling of shmatte.
SCHMATTE n. (Yiddish) clothing, rags, also SCHMUTTER, SHMATTE.
SHMATTESshmattes n. Plural of shmatte.
SHMATTE n. (Yiddish) clothing, rags, also SCHMATTE, SCHMUTTER.
THEMATICthematic adj. Relating to, or having a theme (“subject”) or a topic.
thematic adj. (Music) Relating to a melodic subject.
thematic adj. (Linguistics) Of a word stem, ending in a vowel that appears in or otherwise influences the noun or…
THERMITEthermite n. (Chemistry) A mixture of a metal and a metal oxide capable of producing a thermite reaction, such as…
THERMITE n. a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited, also THERMIT.
THERMITSTHERMIT n. a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited, also THERMITE.
THYMIESTthymiest adj. Superlative form of thymey: most thymey.
thymiest adj. Superlative form of thymy: most thymy.
THYMEY adj. abounding in thyme, also THYMY.
UMPTIETHumptieth adj. (Informal) A generic ordinal number; a last or one of the latest in a long series; implies repetition.
UMPTIETH adj. denoting an indefinitely large number in a sequence, also UMPTEENTH, UMTEENTH.
UMTEENTHumteenth adj. Alternative spelling of umpteenth.
UMTEENTH adj. denoting an indefinitely large number in a sequence, also UMPTEENTH, UMPTIETH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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