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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, H, I, N and Z

CHINTZESchintzes n. Plural of chintz.
CHINTZ n. a glazed printed cotton fabric, also CHINTS.
GENIZAHSgenizahs n. Plural of genizah.
GENIZAH n. (Hebrew) a room in a synagogue.
GENIZOTHgenizoth n. Plural of genizah.
GENIZAH n. (Hebrew) a room in a synagogue.
HAZINESShaziness n. The characteristic of being hazy.
HAZINESS n. the state of being hazy.
HIZZONERhizzoner n. (Informal, often humorous) Any mayor.
Hizzoner prop.n. (Slang, US) Eye dialect spelling of His Honor, the mayor, especially of a large city.
HIZZONER n. his honour, used as a title for a mayor.
HOMINIZEhominize v. (Transitive) To make human, or treat as if human.
HOMINIZE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINISE.
HUMANIZEhumanize v. (Transitive) To make human; to give or cause to have the fundamental properties of a human.
humanize v. (Transitive) To make sympathetic or relatable.
humanize v. (Intransitive) To become humane or civilized.
KHAZENIMKHAZEN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN, HAZZAN.
PHEEZINGpheezing v. Present participle of pheeze.
PHENAZINPHENAZIN n. a crystalline compound that is the basis of many azine dyes, also PHENAZINE.
QUINZHEEquinzhee n. (Canada) A shelter made by hollowing out a pile of snow.
quin-zhee n. Alternative spelling of quinzhee.
QUINZHEE n. (Inuit) a shelter made by hollowing out a pile of snow, also QUINZIE.
RHIZINESrhizines n. Plural of rhizine.
RHIZINE n. a lichen rhizoid.
THIAZINEthiazine n. (Organic chemistry) A six-membered heterocycle containing four carbon atoms, one nitrogen and one sulfur…
THIAZINE n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZIN.
WHEEZINGwheezing n. The quality or symptom of breathing with an audible wheeze.
wheezing v. Present participle of wheeze.
WHEEZING adj. breathing with a hissing sound.
ZECCHINEzecchine n. Alternative form of zecchino (gold coin).
ZECCHINE n. (Italian) a former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHIN, ZECCHINO, ZECHIN.
ZECCHINIzecchini n. Plural of zecchino.
ZECCHINO n. (Italian) a former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHIN, ZECCHINE, ZECHIN.
ZECCHINOzecchino n. (Now historical) An old gold coin of Italy; a sequin.
ZECCHINO n. (Italian) a former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHIN, ZECCHINE, ZECHIN.
ZECCHINSzecchins n. Plural of zecchin.
ZECCHIN n. (Italian) a former Italian gold coin, also ZECCHINE, ZECCHINO, ZECHIN.
ZENITHALzenithal adj. Of or pertaining to a zenith.
zenithal adj. (Cartography, of a projection) azimuthal.
ZENITHAL adj. of the highest point.
ZITHERNSzitherns n. Plural of zithern.
ZITHERN n. (German) a stringed instrument, also ZITHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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