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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, G, M, P and T

APOTHEGMapothegm n. A short, witty, instructive saying; an aphorism or maxim.
APOTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOPHTHEGM.
EMPIGHTSEMPIGHT v. (Spenser) to fix or position.
EMPTINGSemptings n. (Dated) The lees of wine or beer, used for their yeast in making bread, etc.
EMPTINGS n. the yeasty lees of beer or cider, also EMPTINS.
EMPTYINGemptying v. Present participle of empty.
emptying n. The act by which something is emptied.
emptying n. (In the plural) Alternative form of emptins.
GIMPIESTgimpiest adj. Superlative form of gimpy: most gimpy.
GIMPY adj. limping.
IMPETIGOimpetigo n. (Pathology) A contagious bacterial skin disease forming pustules and yellow crusty sores, chiefly on…
IMPETIGO n. (Latin) a skin disease.
PIGMEATSpigmeats n. Plural of pigmeat.
PIGMEAT n. the meat of the pig.
PIGMENTSpigments n. Plural of pigment.
pigments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pigment.
PIGMENT v. to add a colouring matter to.
POSTGAMEpostgame adj. (Sports) Following a game, usually specifically a sporting match.
postgame adj. (Video games) Content that follows the main story of the game.
postgame n. (Media) A postgame show.
STUMPAGEstumpage n. Trees and other standing timber, treated as a commodity.
stumpage n. The value of this timber.
stumpage n. The right to fell such timber.
TEMPINGSTEMPING n. working as a temporary employee.
TEMPTINGtempting adj. Attractive, appealing, enticing.
tempting adj. Seductive, alluring, inviting.
tempting v. Present participle of tempt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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