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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, G, L, U and Y

AMYGDULEamygdule n. (Geology) A rounded mass of secondary mineral found in volcanic rock.
AMYGDULE n. a small gas bubble in lava, also AMYGDALE.
ARGUTELYargutely adv. In an argute manner.
ARGUTE adv. shrill, keen.
FULGENCYfulgency n. (Obsolete) brightness; splendour; glitter; effulgence.
FULGENCY n. brightness.
GAUCHELYgauchely adv. In a gauche manner.
GAUCHE adv. (French) awkward, clumsy.
GEALOUSYgealousy n. Obsolete form of jealousy.
GEALOUSY n. (Spenser) jealousy, also GELOSY.
GUAYULESguayules n. Plural of guayule.
GUAYULE n. (Nahuatl) a silver-leaved shrub of the daisy family.
GULLEYEDgulleyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gulley.
GULLEY v. to wear a channel, also GULLY.
GUNLAYERgunlayer n. Alternative form of gun-layer.
gun-layer n. A soldier who is assigned to aim and fire a mounted machine gun such as that on the turret of a tank.
gun␣layer n. Alternative form of gun-layer.
GURGOYLEgurgoyle n. Obsolete form of gargoyle.
GURGOYLE n. an ornamental figure, also GARGOYLE.
GUYLINERguyliner n. (Informal) Eyeliner when used on men; usually associated with the goth and emo subcultures.
GUYLINER n. eyeliner when worn by a man or boy.
GUYLINESguylines n. Plural of guyline.
guy␣lines n. Plural of guy line.
GUYLINE n. a wire used to support a radio tower.
GYPLURESGYPLURE n. a synthetic attractant to trap gypsy moths.
HUNGERLYhungerly adv. (Obsolete) Hungrily.
hungerly adj. (Obsolete) Wanting food; starved.
HUNGERLY adj. (Shakespeare) hungry, hungrily.
JUGGLERYjugglery n. (Now rare) Witchcraft, sorcery; magical trickery, legerdemain.
jugglery n. (By extension) Trickery or deception in general, or an instance of such.
JUGGLERY n. the art of juggler.
KEYBUGLEkey-bugle n. A bugle with keys that allow different notes to be played.
KEYBUGLE n. a bugle with keys.
MEALYBUGmealybug n. Any of various insects of the family Pseudococcidae, which secrete a powdery wax and are pests of fruit trees.
mealy␣bug n. Alternative spelling of mealybug.
MEALYBUG n. a destructive insect.
RUGGEDLYruggedly adv. In a rugged manner.
RUGGED adv. having an uneven surface, also RUGGY.
RUGOSELYrugosely adv. In a rugose manner.
RUGOSE adv. wrinkled; covered with sunken lines, also RUGATE, RUGOUS.
UNGENTLYungently adv. In an ungentle way; roughly.
UNGENTLE adv. not gentle.
URGENTLYurgently adv. With great haste, with a sense of urgency, because it is very important.
urgently adv. Continuously. With insistence.
URGENT adv. requiring immediate attention.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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