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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, G, 2L and Y

ALLEGORYallegory n. (Rhetoric) A narrative in which a character, place, or event is used to deliver a broader message about…
allegory n. A picture, book, or other form of communication using such representation.
allegory n. A symbolic representation which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, usually a moral or political one.
BELLYINGbellying v. Present participle of belly.
bellying adj. Bulging or billowing.
bellying n. A bulging, swelling or billowing shape; the act or state of bulging, swelling or billowing.
ELIGIBLYeligibly adv. In an eligible manner.
ELIGIBLE adv. fit to be chosen.
GENIALLYgenially adv. In a genial manner; gaily; cheerfully.
genially adv. (Obsolete) By genius or nature; naturally.
GENIAL adv. having a pleasant or friendly manner.
GINGELLYgingelly n. (India) The sesame plant.
GLYCEROLglycerol n. (Organic chemistry) 1,2,3-trihydroxy-propane or propan-1,2,3-triol; a trihydric alcohol.
glycerol n. A syrupy sweet liquid obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of soap from animal or vegetable oils…
GLYCEROL n. a syrupy alcohol.
GLYCERYLglyceryl n. (Organic chemistry) Either of the univalent, divalent or trivalent radicals derived from glycerol by…
GLYCERYL n. a radical derived from glycerol.
GOLDENLYgoldenly adv. In a golden manner.
GOLDEN adv. of the colour of gold.
GORBELLYgorbelly n. (Obsolete) A large, protruding belly.
gorbelly n. (Obsolete) A person with such a belly.
GORBELLY n. (obsolete) a big belly; a big-bellied person.
GOSPELLYgospelly adj. Resembling gospel music.
gospelly adv. (Archaic, Christianity) In the manner of the Gospel.
GOSPELLY adj. like gospel music.
GRAVELLYgravelly adj. Full of, covered with, or similar to gravel or pebbles.
gravelly adj. Of a voice: unpleasantly harsh or rasping.
gravelly adj. (Pathology) Caused by or involving gravel (“kidney stones”).
GRILLERYgrillery n. A restaurant serving grilled food.
GRILLERY n. a place where grilled foods are served.
GULLEYEDgulleyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gulley.
GULLEY v. to wear a channel, also GULLY.
JELLYINGjellying v. Present participle of jelly (making jelly; or squirming like jelly).
JELLY v. to make into a jelly, also JEELIE, JEELY.
LANGLEYSlangleys n. Plural of langley.
Langleys prop.n. Plural of Langley.
LANGLEY n. a unit of illumination used to measure the temperature of a star.
LEGALITYlegality n. Lawfulness.
legality n. A dice game; the same as chuck-a-luck.
LEGALITY n. the condition of being lawful.
PELOLOGYPELOLOGY n. study of mud and its curative effects.
SYLLOGESsylloges n. Plural of sylloge.
SYLLOGE n. a collection or summary.
VILLAGEYvillagey adj. (Informal) Villagelike.
VILLAGEY adj. pertaining to or characteristic of a village.
YELLINGSyellings n. Plural of yelling.
YELLING n. the act of crying out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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