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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, G, 2I and U

AIGUILLEaiguille n. A needle-shaped peak.
aiguille n. An instrument for boring holes, used in blasting.
AIGUILLE n. (French) a needlelike peak of rock.
BIGUINESBIGUINE n. (French) a dance of French West Indian origin, also BEGUINE.
DIGITULEdigitule n. (Zoology) A little finger or toe, or something resembling one.
DIGITULE n. any small fingerlike process.
DISGUISEdisguise n. Material (such as clothing, makeup, a wig) used to alter one’s visual appearance in order to hide one’s…
disguise n. (Figuratively) The appearance of something on the outside which masks what’s beneath.
disguise n. The act or state of disguising, notably as a ploy.
EXIGUITYexiguity n. The quality of being meagre or scanty.
EXIGUITY n. meagreness.
FIGULINEfiguline n. A piece of pottery decorated with representations of natural objects.
figuline adj. (Of clay) Suitable for making pottery; fictile.
figuline adj. Made of clay, as by the potter; said of vessels, ornamental figures, etc.
FIGURINEfigurine n. A small carved or molded figure; a statuette.
FIGURINE n. a small modelled or sculpted figure.
FUGITIVEfugitive n. A person who flees or escapes and travels secretly from place to place, and sometimes using disguises…
fugitive adj. Fleeing or running away; escaping.
fugitive adj. Transient, fleeting or ephemeral.
GUILTIERguiltier adj. Comparative form of guilty: more guilty.
GUILTY adj. worthy of blame for an offence.
INGENIUMINGENIUM n. (obsolete) mentality; talent, genius.
INTRIGUEintrigue n. A complicated or clandestine plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem.
intrigue n. The plot of a play, poem or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary…
intrigue n. Clandestine intercourse between persons; illicit intimacy; a liaison or affair.
LINGUINElinguine n. Ribbons of pasta, cut from a sheet, not as wide as tagliatelle.
LINGUINE n. (Italian) a kind of pasta made in narrow strips, also LINGUINI.
MISGUIDEmisguide v. (Transitive) To guide poorly or incorrectly; to lead astray or into error.
MISGUIDE v. to guide wrongly.
QUIETINGquieting v. Present participle of quiet.
quieting n. The act of making something quiet.
QUIETING n. the act of making quiet.
SIGNIEURsignieur n. Alternative form of seignior.
SIGNIEUR n. (Shakespeare) a lord, esp. of manor, also SEIGNEUR, SEIGNIOR.
UGLIFIEDuglified v. Simple past tense and past participle of uglify.
UGLIFY v. to make ugly.
UGLIFIERuglifier n. One who or that which uglifies.
UGLIFIER n. something or someone that uglifies.
UGLIFIESuglifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uglify.
UGLIFY v. to make ugly.
UNTIEINGuntieing v. Present participle of untie.
UNTIE v. to free from something that ties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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