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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, G, H and 2N

BENCHINGbenching n. An instance of a person being removed temporarily from an active role in a group or team activity.
benching v. Present participle of bench.
BENCH v. to provide with benches.
ENHUNGERenhunger v. (Transitive) To make hungry.
ENHUNGER v. to make hungry.
HANGNESThangnest n. A nest that hangs like a bag or pocket.
hangnest n. A bird which builds such a nest; a hangbird.
HANGNEST n. the Baltimore oriole, so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree, also HANGBIRD.
HAVENINGhavening v. Present participle of haven.
HAVEN v. to shelter.
HENNAINGhennaing v. Present participle of henna.
HENNA v. (Arabic) to dye with a reddish colouring.
HONEYINGhoneying v. Present participle of honey.
HONEY v. to sweeten with a sweet thick fluid.
INHERINGinhering v. Present participle of inhere.
INHERE v. to be an essential characteristic.
LENGTHENlengthen v. (Transitive) To make longer, to extend the length of.
lengthen v. (Intransitive) To become longer.
LENGTHEN v. to make longer.
MENSHINGMENSH v. (colloquial) to mention.
NAETHINGNAETHING n. (Scots) nothing.
NEIGHINGneighing v. Present participle of neigh.
neighing n. The sound made by a horse; an act or instance of the verb neigh.
NEIGHING n. the sound a horse makes.
NIGHNESSnighness n. The quality or state of being nigh, or near.
NIGHNESS n. (obsolete) nearness.
SENNIGHTsennight n. (Archaic or obsolete).
sennight n. (Obsolete).
se'nnight n. Alternative form of sennight.
SHEENINGsheening v. Present participle of sheen.
SHEEN v. to shine, have a lustre.
SHENDINGshending v. Present participle of shend.
SHEND v. (archaic) to put to shame, chide, also YSHEND.
UNHANGEDunhanged adj. Not (yet) executed by hanging.
UNHANG v. to detach from a hanging support.
UNHELINGunheling v. Present participle of unhele.
UNHELE v. (Spenser) to uncover, disclose, also UNHEAL.
UNHINGEDunhinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhinge.
unhinged adj. (Figuratively, usually humorous) Mentally ill or unstable.
unhinged adj. Not furnished with a hinge.
UNHINGESunhinges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhinge.
UNHINGE v. to remove from hinges.
WENCHINGwenching v. Present participle of wench.
WENCH v. to consort with prostitutes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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