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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, F, L and 2N

ENFELONSENFELON v. (Spenser) to make fierce.
FANNELLSfannells n. Plural of fannell.
FANNELL n. a strip of material worn on a priest's arm, also FANNEL.
FENLANDSfenlands n. Plural of fenland.
FENLAND n. a region with fens.
FENTANYLfentanyl n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid narcotic analgesic C22H28N2O with pharmacological action similar to…
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
FLANKENSFLANKEN n. beef cut from the side and boiled with vegetables.
FLANNELSflannels n. Plural of flannel.
flannels n. Clothing made of flannel; especially trousers.
FLANNEL v. to cover with a soft fabric.
FLANNENSFLANNEN n. (dialect) flannel.
FLANNIESflannies n. Plural of flannie.
FLANNY n. (Australian) a shirt made of flannel or flannelette, also FLANNIE.
FLENSINGflensing v. Present participle of flense.
flensing n. The act of one who flenses; the operation of stripping off blubber.
FLENSE v. to strip the blubber or skin from, also FLENCH.
FONTANELfontanel n. Alternative spelling of fontanelle.
FONTANEL n. a membrane-covered gap between the immature parietal bones in the skull of a foetus or infant, also FONTANELLE.
FUNNELEDfunneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of funnel.
FUNNEL v. to pass through a cone-shaped utensil.
INFERNALinfernal adj. Of or relating to hell, or the world of the dead; hellish.
infernal adj. (By extension) Of or relating to a fire or inferno.
infernal adj. Stygian, gloomy.
INFLUENTinfluent n. A stream which flows into another stream or a lake.
influent n. Fluids flowing in.
influent n. (Ecology) An organism having an important effect on a plant or animal community.
NINEFOLDninefold adj. Having nine parts.
ninefold adj. Having nine times as much or as many.
ninefold adv. By a factor of nine.
NONFUELSNONFUEL n. a type of energy not used for generating heat, power, or electricity.
NONLEAFYnonleafy adj. Not leafy.
NONLEAFY adj. having no leaves.
UNFALLENunfallen adj. Not having fallen; that has not experienced or suffered a fall.
UNFALLEN adj. not fallen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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