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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, F, H, R and U

BUSHFIREbushfire n. (Australia) An uncontrolled fire in a wooded or grassy area; a wildfire.
bush␣fire n. (Australia, New Zealand) Alternative form of bushfire.
BUSHFIRE n. a fire in a wooded area.
CHAUFERSCHAUFER n. a metal box for holding fire, also CHAUFFER.
CHAUFFERchauffer n. A small, portable stove.
chauffer n. A chafing dish.
chauffer n. (Chemistry) A table stove or small furnace, usually a cylindrical box of sheet iron, with a grate at…
CHEERFULcheerful adj. Noticeably happy and optimistic.
cheerful adj. Bright and pleasant.
CHEERFUL adj. in good spirits.
CHUFFIERCHUFFY adj. fat or puffed out in the cheeks.
CURCHEFSCURCHEF n. a covering for the head, a kerchief, also CURCH.
FAROUCHEfarouche adj. Sullen or recalcitrant.
FAROUCHE adj. (French) shy or ill at ease.
FIREBUSHFIREBUSH n. as in Chilean firebush, a South American shrub with scarlet flowers.
FLUSHERSflushers n. Plural of flusher.
FLUSHER n. someone who flushes sewers.
FLUSHIERFLUSHY adj. red-complexioned.
FOURCHEEfourchee adj. Alternative form of fourche (“forked”).
fourchée adj. Alternative form of fourche (“forked”).
FOURCHEE n. a kind of heraldic cross having the end of each arm forked.
FUEHRERSfuehrers n. Plural of fuehrer.
Fuehrers prop.n. Plural of Fuehrer.
FUEHRER n. (German) a leader, also FUHRER.
FURPHIESfurphies n. Plural of furphy.
FURPHY n. (Australian slang) a rumour.
FURTHERSfurthers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of further.
FURTHER v. to help forward.
FURTHESTfurthest adj. Superlative form of far: most far.
furthest adv. Superlative form of far: most far.
FAR adj. at a great distance.
REFOUGHTrefought v. Simple past tense and past participle of refight.
REFIGHT v. to fight again.
SHUFFLERshuffler n. A person who shuffles.
shuffler n. A machine that shuffles.
shuffler n. Any of the three common American scaup ducks.
THURIFERthurifer n. An acolyte who carries a thurible.
THURIFER n. an altar boy or acolyte who carries a thurible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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