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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing E, F, G, O and U

EGOSURFSegosurfs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of egosurf.
EGOSURF v. to search for one's own name on the internet.
FERRUGOSFERRUGO n. (Latin) a disease of plants caused by fungi, commonly called the rust, from its resemblance to iron rust in color.
FOREGUTSforeguts n. Plural of foregut.
FOREGUT n. the front part of the embryonic alimentary canal.
FORJUDGEforjudge v. (Transitive, obsolete except as a legal term) To exclude, oust, or dispossess by a judgment; prohibit (from).
forjudge v. (Transitive, dialectal in Britain) To condemn judicially (to a penalty).
FORJUDGE v. to judge before hearing the facts and proof, also FOREJUDGE.
FOUGADESfougades n. Plural of fougade.
FOUGADE n. (French) a small mine, in the form of a well sunk from the surface of the ground, charged with explosive and projectiles, also FOUGASSE.
FOUGASSEfougasse n. A type of lattice-shaped bread associated with the area of Provence.
fougasse n. An old-fashioned type of land mine, in the form of a foxhole filled with explosives or projectiles.
FOUGASSE n. (French) a small mine, in the form of a well sunk from the surface of the ground, charged with explosive and projectiles, also FOUGADE.
FOUGHTENfoughten v. (Archaic) past participle of fight.
FOUGHTEN adj. exhausted, especially from fighting.
GOOFUSESgoofuses n. Plural of goofus.
GOOFUS n. a foolish or stupid person.
REFOUGHTrefought v. Simple past tense and past participle of refight.
REFIGHT v. to fight again.
UNFORGEDunforged adj. Not having been forged.
UNFORGED adj. not forged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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