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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2E, P, T and V

ERUPTIVEeruptive adj. That erupts or bursts forth.
eruptive adj. Accompanied by eruptions.
eruptive adj. (Geology) Produced by eruption.
EXAPTIVEexaptive adj. Relating to exaptation.
EXAPTIVE adj. of a biological feature, having a function differing from that for which it was originally evolved e.g. feathers evolved originally for warmth, also EXAPTED.
OVERKEPToverkept v. Simple past tense and past participle of overkeep.
OVERKEEP v. to keep too long or too much.
OVERPERToverpert adj. Excessively pert.
OVERPERT adj. excessively pert.
OVERSTEPoverstep v. (Transitive) To go too far beyond (a limit); especially, to cross boundaries or exceed norms or conventions.
overstep v. To take a step in which the foot touches ground too far forward.
overstep v. To move with a gait such that the hind foot touches the ground forward of the point where the front…
OVERTYPEovertype n. (Computing, uncountable) A feature in wordprocessing whereby each typed character replaces the character…
overtype n. (Historical, countable) A kind of steam wagon having the engine above the cab.
overtype v. To type on top of something already typed.
PAVEMENTpavement n. (Now chiefly in technical contexts) A paved surface; a hard covering on the ground.
pavement n. (Chiefly British English) A paved path, for the use of pedestrians, located at the side of a road.
pavement n. (Now chiefly North America) A paving (paved part) of a road or other thoroughfare; the roadway or road surface.
PERVERTSperverts n. Plural of pervert.
perverts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pervert.
PERVERT v. to turn away from the right course of action.
PERVIATEPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PERVIESTperviest adj. Superlative form of pervy: most pervy.
PERVY adj. perverted.
PREVENTSprevents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prevent.
PREVENT v. to keep from happening.
SEPTLEVAseptleva n. (Card games, obsolete) In the game of faro, the situation where a player gains seven times the number…
SEPTLEVA n. (French) in the game of basset, seven times as much added to the first stake.
STEPOVERstepover n. (Soccer) Alternative form of step over.
stepover n. A type of espalier where the tree or bush is made to grow horizontally above the ground, like a fence-rail.
step␣over n. (Soccer) A dribbling move, or feint, in football (soccer), used to fool a defensive player into thinking…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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