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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, T and V

AVERMENTaverment n. The act of averring, or that which is averred; positive assertion.
averment n. Verification; establishment by evidence.
averment n. A positive statement of facts; an allegation; an offer to justify or prove what is alleged.
LAVEMENTlavement n. A washing or bathing.
lavement n. A clyster.
LAVEMENT n. a washing or bathing; a clyster.
MISEVENTmisevent n. A bad or unfortunate event.
MISEVENT n. a mishap.
MOVEMENTmovement n. Physical motion between points in space.
movement n. (Engineering) A system or mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming…
movement n. The impression of motion in an artwork, painting, novel etc.
OVERMELTovermelt v. (Transitive) To melt too much.
OVERMELT v. to melt too much.
OVERTAMEovertame adj. Excessively tame.
OVERTAME adj. excessively tame.
OVERTEEMoverteem v. (Intransitive) To be filled or swarming with something.
overteem v. To exhaust or deplete by producing excessively.
OVERTEEM v. to produce in excess.
OVERTIMEovertime n. (Uncountable) Working time outside of one’s regular hours.
overtime n. (Uncountable) The rate of pay, usually higher, for work done outside of or in addition to regular hours.
overtime n. (Sports, countable, US) An extra period of play when a contest has a tie score at the end of regulation.
PAVEMENTpavement n. (Now chiefly in technical contexts) A paved surface; a hard covering on the ground.
pavement n. (Chiefly British English) A paved path, for the use of pedestrians, located at the side of a road.
pavement n. (Now chiefly North America) A paving (paved part) of a road or other thoroughfare; the roadway or road surface.
TWELVEMOtwelvemo n. (Paper) duodecimo, or 12mo, a paper size, so called because it is cut 12 to a (huge, originally made) sheet.
twelvemo n. (Printing) a page, book etc. of that size.
TWELVEMO n. a paper size, aka duodecimo.
VEGEMITEvegemite prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Vegemite.
Vegemite prop.n. (Australia, New Zealand) An Australian food paste made from brewers′ yeast.
VEGEMITE n. (colloquial) a child.
VEHEMENTvehement adj. Showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or intense.
VEHEMENT adj. ardent.
VESTMENTvestment n. A robe, gown, or other article of clothing worn as an indication of office.
vestment n. Any of the special articles of clothing worn by members of the clergy etc., especially a garment worn…
vestment n. (In the plural) Clothing.
VIAMETERviameter n. An odometer.
VIAMETER n. a device for measuring distance travelled.
VIREMENTvirement n. The transfer of a surplus from one account to cover a deficit in another.
VIREMENT n. (French) in accounting, an authorised transfer of a surplus to balance a deficit under another heading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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