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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, Q and U

EMBUSQUEembusqué n. One who avoids military service; a draft dodger.
EMBUSQUE n. (French) a slacker or shirker, a person who evades military service.
MAQUETTEmaquette n. A preliminary model or sketch used in preparation for making a sculpture.
maquette v. (Art, transitive, intransitive, rare) To prepare a maquette (of).
MAQUETTE n. (French) a small model of something to be made on a larger scale.
MARQUEESmarquees n. Plural of marquee.
MARQUEE n. a large tent with open sides for outdoor entertainment.
MESQUINEMESQUINE adj. (French) mean, sordid, shabby, also MESQUIN.
MESQUITEmesquite n. Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Prosopis found in America, and used as forage, which have…
mesquite n. The wood of these trees, used for smoking food, or charcoal made from this wood.
mesquite n. Country or land dominated by mesquite trees.
MEZQUITEmezquite n. Dated form of mesquite.
MEZQUITE n. (Nahuatl) a name for two trees of the southwestern part of North America, the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite, also MESQUIT, MESQUITE, MEZQUIT, MUSKIT.
MIQUELETmiquelet n. (Military) An irregular or partisan soldier; a bandit.
MIQUELET n. (French) an irregular or partisan soldier; a bandit.
MOQUETTEmoquette n. A kind of fabric with a thick pile used for carpeting or to upholster seating, etc.
moquette n. An article covered in such material.
MOQUETTE n. (French) a thick piled fabric used in upholstery and carpeting.
MORESQUEMoresque adj. (Art, architecture) Moorish.
Moresque n. (Art, architecture) arabesque.
MORESQUE n. an ancient decorative style.
QUEENDOMqueendom n. The condition or character of a queen; queenly rule, power, or authority.
queendom n. A realm ruled by a queen.
queendom n. The subjects of such a realm.
REMARQUEremarque n. (Engraving) A small design etched on the margin of a plate and supposed to be removed after the earliest…
remarque n. (Engraving) Any feature distinguishing a particular stage of the plate.
remarque n. (Engraving) A print or proof distinguished by such a mark.
REQUIEMSrequiems n. Plural of requiem.
REQUIEM n. (Latin) a musical composition for the dead.
VEHMIQUEVehmique adj. Alternative form of Vehmic.
VEHMIQUE adj. relating to a vehm, a mediaeval German court, also FEHMIC, VEHMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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