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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, H and M

BERGMEHLbergmehl n. Alternative form of bergmeal.
BERGMEHL n. (German) a powdery deposit of diatom frustules, aka kieselguhr.
GEOTHERMgeotherm n. A geoisotherm.
GEOTHERM n. a line on the earth connecting points of equal temperature.
GRAPHEMEgrapheme n. A fundamental unit of a writing system, corresponding to (for example) letters in the English alphabet…
grapheme n. In alphabetic writing, the shortest group of letters composing a phoneme.
GRAPHEME n. a unit of a writing system.
HEGEMONShegemons n. Plural of hegemon.
HEGEMON n. a political state having hegemony.
HEGEMONYhegemony n. (Formal) Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one political group over a…
hegemony n. Dominance of one social group over another, such that the ruling group or hegemon acquires some degree…
HEGEMONY n. (Greek) leadership.
HEGUMENEhegumene n. A female hegumen.
HEGUMENE n. the head of a nunnery.
HEGUMENShegumens n. Plural of hegumen.
HEGUMEN n. the head of a monastery, also HEGUMENOS.
HEGUMENYHEGUMENY n. the office of hegumen, the head of a monastery.
HOMEPAGEhomepage n. Alternative form of home page.
home␣page n. The main or first page of a web site or set of hyperlinked documents.
home␣page n. The page set to open in a web browser or hypertext system when it starts up, or when its home function is invoked.
MESHUGGEmeshugge adj. Crazy, mad, senseless, insane.
WEIGHMENweighmen n. Plural of weighman.
WEIGHMAN n. one who weighs goods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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