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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2E, 2F and I

CAFFEINEcaffeine n. An alkaloid, C8H10N4O2, found naturally in tea and coffee plants which acts as a mild stimulant on the…
CAFFEINE n. a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant, also CAFFEIN.
CHEFFIERCHEFFY adj. relating to or characteristic of chefs.
DIFFEREDdiffered v. Simple past tense and past participle of differ.
DIFFER v. to be unlike.
EFFEIREDEFFEIR v. (obsolete) to appertain, to suit, also EFFERE.
EFFENDISeffendis n. Plural of effendi.
EFFENDI n. (Turkish) in the Eastern Mediterranean, a title of respect for high-ranking people.
EFFERINGEFFERE v. (obsolete) to appertain, to suit, also EFFEIR.
EFFIERCEEFFIERCE v. (Spenser) to make fierce, also ENFIERCE.
EFFIGIESeffigies n. Plural of effigy.
EFFIGY n. a likeness of a person.
EFFRAIDEEFFRAIDE adj. (obsolete) afraid, also AFEARD, AFFEARD, AFRAID.
EFFUSIVEeffusive adj. Gushy; unrestrained, extravagant or excessive (in emotional expression).
effusive adj. (Archaic) Pouring, spilling out freely; overflowing.
effusive adj. (Geology, of igneous rock) Extrusive; having solidified after being poured out as molten lava.
FIFTEENSfifteens n. Plural of fifteen.
fifteens n. (Historical) A medieval tax on movable property.
FIFTEEN n. a number, five and ten.
GREFFIERgreffier n. (Obsolete) A registrar or recorder; a notary.
GREFFIER n. (French) in the Channel Isles, a registrar, a notary.
INFEFTEDinfefted v. Simple past tense and past participle of infeft.
INFEFT v. in Scots law, to enfeoff, to invest with heritable property.
KEFFIYEHkeffiyeh n. A headdress traditionally worn by some Arabs, also used as a scarf.
KEFFIYEH n. (Arabic) the cloth headgear worn by many Palestinians, also KAFFIYAH, KAFFIYEH, KEFFIYAH, KUFIYAH.
NIFFEREDniffered v. Simple past tense and past participle of niffer.
NIFFER v. (Scots) to barter, to haggle.
SERIFFEDseriffed adj. Alternative form of serifed.
SERIFFED adj. with a serif, a decorative stroke at the foot of a letter, also SERIFED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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