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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 3E, O and T

DEPORTEEdeportee n. A deported person.
DEPORTEE n. one who is deported.
DEVOTEESdevotees n. Plural of devotee.
devotées n. Plural of devotée.
DEVOTEE n. an ardent follower.
ECTOGENEECTOGENE n. a gene involved in the development of an embryo in artificial conditions.
ECTOMEREectomere n. Any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm forms.
ECTOMERE n. a cell that develops into ectoderm.
EROTEMESerotemes n. Plural of eroteme.
EROTEME n. (Greek) a rhetorical question, also EROTEMA, EROTESIS.
EROTESESeroteses n. Plural of erotesis.
EROTESIS n. (Greek) a rhetorical question, also EROTEMA, EROTEME.
ETOUFFEEetouffee n. Alternative spelling of étouffée.
étouffée n. A spiced Cajun stew of meat (crayfish, shellfish, alligator, chicken or another meat) and vegetables…
ETOUFFEE n. (French) a Cajun stew.
EYESTONEeyestone n. A small, lenticular, calcareous body, especially an operculum of a small shell of the family Tubinidae…
eyestone n. (Mineralogy) Eye agate.
EYESTONE n. a small, lenticular, calcareous body, esp. an operculum of a marine shell of the family Turbinidae, used to remove a foreign substance from the eye.
FOREFEETforefeet n. Plural of forefoot.
FOREFOOT n. one of the front feet of an animal.
GEOMETERgeometer n. A mathematician who specializes in geometry.
geometer n. (Zoology) Any species of geometrid moth (family Geometridae).
GEOMETER n. a specialist in geometry.
OMELETTEomelette n. A dish made with beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan without stirring, flipped over to cook on both sides…
omelette n. (Computing) A form of shellcode that searches the address space for multiple small blocks of data ("eggs")…
OMELETTE n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELET.
OVERTEEMoverteem v. (Intransitive) To be filled or swarming with something.
overteem v. To exhaust or deplete by producing excessively.
OVERTEEM v. to produce in excess.
PROTEGEEprotegee n. Alternative spelling of protégée.
protégée n. A female protégé.
PROTEGEE n. (French) one (female) who is looked after or sponsored by another.
SHOETREEshoetree n. A foot-shaped device placed in a shoe to maintain its shape when not being worn.
shoe␣tree n. A device approximating the shape of a foot that is placed inside a shoe when it is being stored to preserve…
SHOETREE n. a device for preventing shoes from losing their shape.
SLOETREESLOETREE n. the blackthorn tree, also SLOEBUSH, SLOETHORN.
STEREOEDstereoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stereo.
STEREO v. to make a type of printing plate.
STEREOMEstereome n. (Botany) A section of sclerenchyma at the base of a phyllary in some members of the Asteraceae.
stereome n. (Botany, obsolete) sclerenchyma.
STEREOME n. mechanical tissue in plants.
TELOMEREtelomere n. (Genetics) Either of the sequences of DNA at each end of a eukaryotic chromosome.
TELOMERE n. a centromere that is located in a terminal position on a chromosome.
TOEPIECEtoepiece n. The portion of a shoe that covers the toes.
toepiece n. The forward part of a ski binding by the toe, for either water skiing or snow skiing.
TOEPIECE n. a piece on a shoe designed to cover the toes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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