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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 3E, L and Y

BERLEYEDBERLEY v. (Australian) to scatter fish bait on water, also BURLEY.
BESEEMLYbeseemly adj. (Archaic) fit; suitable; becoming.
BESEEMLY adj. fit; suitable.
EFFETELYeffetely adv. In an effete manner.
EFFETE adv. exhausted.
EMPLOYEEemployee n. An individual who provides labor to a company or another person.
employée n. (Dated) A female employee.
EMPLOYEE n. a person employed, also EMPLOYE.
ETHYLENEethylene n. (Organic chemistry) The common name for the organic chemical compound ethene. The simplest alkene, a…
ethylene n. (Organic chemistry) The divalent radical derived from ethane.
ETHYLENE n. an oil-forming gas, hydrogen combined with carbon, also ETHENE.
EYEHOLESeyeholes n. Plural of eyehole.
EYEHOLE n. a circular opening to receive a hook etc.
EYELETEDeyeleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of eyelet.
eyeleted adj. Alternative form of eyeletted.
EYELET v. to make a small hole in.
EYELEVELeyelevel n. Alternative form of eye level.
eye␣level n. A level at the height of one’s eyes.
EYELEVEL adj. at the same height as one's eyes.
EYELINEReyeliner n. Makeup used to outline the eye, generally applied along or close to the lashline.
EYELINER n. makeup for the eyes.
EYELINESeyelines n. Plural of eyeline.
EYELINE n. the line of sight.
HEXYLENEhexylene n. (Chemistry) A colourless liquid hydrocarbon, C6H12, of the ethylene series, produced artificially, and…
hexylene n. (Chemistry) Any of several isomers of hexylene proper.
HEXYLENE n. a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon of the ethylene series, also HEXENE.
LIVEYERELIVEYERE n. a permanent resident of Newfoundland, also LIVYER, LIVEYER, LIVIER.
SERENELYserenely adv. In a serene manner.
SERENE adv. calm, tranquil.
SEVERELYseverely adv. In a severe manner.
SEVERE adv. strict, harsh.
SLEEPERYSLEEPERY adj. (Scots) sleepy.
STEEVELYSTEEVE adv. (Scots) firm, also STIEVE.
TELETYPEteletype n. (Historical) A telegraph that automatically prints transmited messages in letters rather than Morse…
teletype n. (Historical) The telegrams produced by this device.
teletype n. (Historical) An early input/output device for mainframe computers.
TERYLENEterylene n. A polymer, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), used for making thread and cloth.
Terylene prop.n. A polyester fabric, polyethylene terephthalate.
TERYLENE n. a kind of polyester fabric.
YCLEEPEDYCLEEPE v. (Spenser) to call by name, also CLEPE.
YCLEEPESYCLEEPE v. (Spenser) to call by name, also CLEPE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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