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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 3E, H and V

BEEHIVEDbeehived adj. Having a beehive hairdo.
beehived v. Simple past tense and past participle of beehive.
BEEHIVED adj. having a hairdo shaped like a beehive.
BEEHIVESbeehives n. Plural of beehive.
beehives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beehive.
Beehives n. Plural of Beehive.
CHEVERELcheverel n. (Obsolete) Kid, as used to make leather.
cheverel adj. (Obsolete) Pliable as kid leather; elastic, flexible, usually with reference to someone’s conscience.
CHEVEREL n. soft, flexible, kidskin leather, also CHEVERIL.
CHEVERYECHEVERYE n. (Spenser) an Irish chieftaincy, also CHIEFERY, CHIEFRY.
ELEVENTHeleventh adj. The ordinal form of the number eleven.
eleventh n. The person or thing in the eleventh position.
eleventh n. One of eleven equal parts of a whole.
REVEHENTrevehent adj. (Anatomy) Carrying away from an organ or structure (towards the heart).
REVEHENT adj. carrying back.
VEHEMENTvehement adj. Showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or intense.
VEHEMENT adj. ardent.
WHENEVERwhenever conj. At any time that.
whenever conj. At the (single) time that, no matter when.
whenever conj. Every time that.
WHEREVERwherever adv. (Interrogative) Where ever; an emphatic form of where.
wherever adv. (Informal) In, at or to any place that one likes or chooses.
wherever adv. (Fused relative) The place (no matter where) in, at or to which.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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