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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 4E and N

DEEPENEDdeepened v. Simple past tense and past participle of deepen.
DEEPEN v. to make deep.
DEEPENERdeepener n. One who, or that which, deepens.
deepener n. A hypnotic suggestion designed to send the listener deeper into a state of trance.
DEEPENER n. one that deepens.
EBENEZEREbenezer prop.n. (Biblical) The stone memorial in Israel erected by Samuel.
Ebenezer prop.n. A male given name from Hebrew taken up by Puritans in the 17th century.
Ebenezer prop.n. A ghost town in Georgia, United States.
ENFEEBLEenfeeble v. (Transitive) To make feeble.
ENFEEBLE v. to make feeble.
ENFREEZEenfreeze v. (Obsolete, transitive) To freeze; to congeal.
ENFREEZE v. to freeze; to congeal.
EXONEREEexoneree n. One who is exonerated.
EXONEREE n. a person who is proven not guilty of a crime.
GREENEYEgreeneye n. Any of the deep-sea fish of the family Chlorophthalmidae, that have large iridescent eyes with green lenses.
GREENEYE n. a small West Atlantic fish with pale green eyes.
MEEKENEDmeekened v. Simple past tense and past participle of meeken.
MEEKEN v. to make meek.
PEEBEENSPEEBEEN n. a large, hardwood, evergreen tree.
SLEEVEENsleeveen n. Alternative spelling of sleiveen.
SLEEVEEN n. (Irish) a crafty, smooth-talking person.
TEREBENEterebene n. (Obsolete, medicine) Any of various preparations, composed mainly of terpenes, obtained from camphor…
TEREBENE n. a light yellow disinfectant liquid, a mixture of hydrocarbons made from oil of turpentine, used as a solvent for paint.
VENEEREDveneered v. Simple past tense and past participle of veneer.
VENEER v. to overlay with thin layers of material.
VENEERERveneerer n. A person who makes and applies veneers.
VENEERER n. one who veneers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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