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There are 16 seven-letter words containing E, R, T and 2U

AUTEURSauteurs n. Plural of auteur.
AUTEUR n. (French) a film director, esp. when thought of as the creator of a particular genre and carrying a personal stamp, also AUTEURIST.
COUTUREcouture n. (Fashion) The production of high-end, custom-made clothing.
Couture prop.n. A surname.
COUTURE n. (French) the business of dressmaking.
CULTUREculture n. The arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize humankind, or a particular society or nation.
culture n. The beliefs, values, behaviour and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.
culture n. The conventional conducts and ideologies of a community; the system comprising the accepted norms and…
FUTURESfutures n. Plural of future.
futures n. Short for futures contract.
FUTURE n. the time yet to come.
HAUTEURhauteur n. Haughtiness or arrogance; loftiness.
HAUTEUR n. (French) haughtiness; arrogance.
MULTUREmulture n. A grinding of grain, or the grain that is ground.
multure n. (Scotland, historical) A toll paid to a miller, mill-owner etc., generally in kind, for grinding corn…
multure v. (Scotland, historical, transitive) To charge a multure on.
NURTUREnurture n. The act of nourishing or nursing; tender care.
nurture n. That which nourishes; food; diet.
nurture n. The environmental influences that contribute to the development of an individual (as opposed to "nature").
OUTDUREoutdure v. (Transitive, obsolete) To endure beyond; to outlast.
OUTDURE v. (obsolete) to outlast.
PULTUREpulture n. (Historical) The claim to food for men, horses, and dogs within the bounds of a forest, etc.
PULTURE n. a right to food for man, horse and dog in a forest, also PUTURE.
PUTURESPUTURE n. (historical) a foresters' claim of subsistence within the bounds of a forest, also PULTURE.
RUPTURErupture n. A burst, split, or break.
rupture n. A social breach or break, between individuals or groups.
rupture n. (Medicine) A break or tear in soft tissue, such as a muscle.
SUTUREDsutured v. Simple past tense and past participle of suture.
SUTURE v. to unite by sewing.
SUTURESsutures n. Plural of suture.
SUTURE v. to unite by sewing.
TRUMEAUtrumeau n. (Architecture) The pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of a doorway or window…
trumeau n. A trumeau mirror.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.
UNTRUERuntruer adj. Comparative form of untrue: more untrue.
UNTRUE adj. not true.
VULTUREvulture n. Any of several carrion-eating birds of the families Accipitridae and Cathartidae.
vulture n. (Figurative, colloquial) A person who profits from the suffering of others.
vulture v. (Figurative, colloquial) To circle around one’s target as if one were a vulture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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