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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, O and 3T

HOTTESThottest adj. Superlative form of hot: most hot.
HOT adj. having a high temperature.
MOTETTSmotetts n. Plural of motett.
MOTETT n. (French) a kind of unaccompanied part-song or anthem, also MOTET.
OCTETTEoctette n. Alternative spelling of octet.
OCTETTE n. a composition for eight players, also OCTET, OCTETT.
OCTETTSoctetts n. Plural of octett.
OCTETT n. a composition for eight players, also OCTET, OCTETTE.
STOTTEDstotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of stot.
stotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of stott.
STOTT v. to bound with a stiff gait, also STOT.
STOTTERstotter v. (Intransitive, dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To stagger; totter; stumble.
STOTTER v. to stagger, also STOIT, STOITER, STYTE.
STOTTIEstottie n. (Geordie) A round flat loaf of bread, traditionally pan-fried rather than oven-baked.
STOTTIE n. (dialect) a wedge of bread cut from a round loaf and stuffed with meat or cheese, also STOTTY.
STRETTOstretto n. (Music) The presence of two close or overlapping statements of the subject of a fugue, especially towards the end.
stretto n. (Music) An acceleration in the tempo of an opera that produces an ending climax.
stretto adv. (Music) With gradually increasing speed.
TETOTUMtetotum n. Alternative form of teetotum.
TETOTUM n. a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TEETOTUM.
TONETTEtonette n. A small plastic flute often played by children.
TONETTE n. a simple flute.
TOTIENTtotient n. (Mathematics) The number of positive integers not greater than a specified integer that are relatively prime to it.
TOTIENT n. the number of totitives of a number, i.e. numbers less than and prime to it.
TOTTERStotters n. Plural of totter.
totters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of totter.
Totters prop.n. Plural of Totter.
TOTTERYtottery adj. Tending to totter.
TOTTERY adj. shaky.
TOTTIERTOTTY adj. unsteady; tottery.
TOTTIESTotties n. Plural of Totty.
TOTTIE n. a woman or small child, also TOTTY.
TROTTEDtrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of trot.
TROT v. to proceed at a pace between walking and running.
TROTTERtrotter n. One who trots.
trotter n. In harness racing, a horse with a gait in which the front and back legs on opposite sides take a step…
trotter n. The foot of a pig, sheep, or other quadruped, especially when prepared as meat#Noun.
WOTTESTwottest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of wit.
wottest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of wot.
WIT v. to know.
WOTTETHwotteth v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present form of wot.
WIT v. to know.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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