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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, 2O, T and Z

ECTOZOAectozoa n. Plural of ectozoon.
ECTOZOON n. a parasite on the body of an animal, also ECTOZOAN.
ENTOZOAentozoa n. Plural of entozoon.
ENTOZOON n. an internal parasite, also ENDOZOON, ENTOZOAN.
OOZIESTooziest adj. Superlative form of oozy: most oozy.
OOZY adj. oozing.
OZONATEozonate v. To treat or react with ozone; to ozonize.
ozonate n. (Chemistry) Any of several compounds or complexes of ozone.
OZONATE v. to treat with ozone.
STOOZEDstoozed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stooze.
STOOZE v. to borrow money at an interest rate of 0%, a rate typically offered by credit card companies as an incentive for new customers.
STOOZERstoozer n. A person who makes a profit by stoozing.
STOOZER n. one who stoozes.
STOOZESstoozes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stooze.
STOOZE v. to borrow money at an interest rate of 0%, a rate typically offered by credit card companies as an incentive for new customers.
WOOTZESwootzes n. Plural of wootz.
WOOTZ n. a tough sharp steel made in southern India by fusing magnetic iron ore with material containing carbon.
ZOOIESTzooiest adj. Superlative form of zooey: most zooey.
ZOOEY adj. like a zoo.
ZOOLITEzoolite n. A fossilized animal.
ZOOLITE n. a fossil animal, also ZOOLITH.
ZOONITEzoonite n. (Zoology, archaic) One of the segments of the body of an articulated animal, sometimes regarded as a…
zoönite n. (Zoology) Alternative spelling of zoonite.
ZOONITE n. one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOOTIERZOOTY adj. flashy in manner or style.
ZOOTYPEzootype n. (Biology) A proposed archetype of the form of all animals, based not on a shared body plan but on conserved…
zootype n. (Symbology) An animal totem; an animal (or animal figure) that is taken as symbolic of a deeper abstraction.
ZOOTYPE n. an animal serving as a type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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