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There are 10 seven-letter words containing E, 2O, T and Y

BOOTERYbootery n. A shop selling boots.
BOOTERY n. a shoe store.
COYOTEScoyotes n. Plural of coyote.
coyotes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coyote.
COYOTE n. a predatory canine mammal, related to but smaller than the wolf, native to North America.
ENOMOTYenomoty n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A band of sworn soldiers; a division of the Spartan army ranging from twenty-five…
ENOMOTY n. (Greek) a band of sworn soldiers in the Spartan army.
MYOSOTEmyosote n. (Botany) Myosotis.
MYOSOTE n. (Greek) a genus of flower, forget-me-not, also MYOSOTIS.
MYOTOMEmyotome n. (Biology, medicine) In vertebrate embryonic development, a group of tissues formed from any particular…
myotome n. (Biology, medicine) In neurology, a group of muscles innervated from a particular spinal segment; the…
myotome n. (Biology, medicine) A surgical instrument for performing myotomy.
OOCYTESoocytes n. Plural of oocyte.
oöcytes n. Plural of oöcyte.
OOCYTE n. an ovum before it matures and begins to divide.
OOPHYTEoophyte n. (Obsolete, biology) gametophyte.
oöphyte n. Alternative spelling of oophyte.
OOPHYTE n. a stage of development in certain plants.
OXYTONEoxytone adj. (Linguistics, of a word) Having the stress or an acute accent on the last syllable.
oxytone n. (Linguistics) A word with the stress or an acute accent on the last syllable.
OXYTONE n. (Greek) a word bearing an acute accent on the last syllable.
TOYSOMEtoysome adj. Playful; playfully affectionate; amorous.
TOYSOME adj. sportive; trifling; wanton, also TOYISH.
ZOOTYPEzootype n. (Biology) A proposed archetype of the form of all animals, based not on a shared body plan but on conserved…
zootype n. (Symbology) An animal totem; an animal (or animal figure) that is taken as symbolic of a deeper abstraction.
ZOOTYPE n. an animal serving as a type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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